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Connecting Authoring Tool with Unity Integration

+1 投票
I'm using Unity 4.2, authoring tool 2013.1.1, and Unity Integration 2013.1.1 (Profile dll). When I build and run my application, it does not show up in the remote connections list. If I run the Limbo project, it does show up in the remote connections, and works as expected.

Looking at the included source, AkSoundEngineStubs does contain the call to AK::Comm::Init, which appears to be called from AkGlobalSoundEngineInitializer in the included Unity scripts. Is there something else I need to do to initialize communications so my sound designer can connect the authoring tool?
最新提问 7月 28, 2013 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Charlie H. (270 分)


+1 投票
Figured I'd answer my own question here now that I've figured it out. In the player settings for your application, make sure you have "Run In Background" checked. The application will not broadcast unless it's updating.

Big thanks to some awesome folks on Twitter for clearing this up for me!
最新回答 9月 5, 2013 用户: Charlie H. (270 分)