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IOS other app nofication will stuck my game app

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I use UE4 and wwise to build my ios game. When other app notification message popup, my game will stuck twice.

(1) After I remove wwise, the problem vanish.

(2) when I disable other app sound notification, the problem vanish.

(3) I try to set "EAkAudioSessionCategory AudioSessionCategory = EAkAudioSessionCategory::PlayAndRecord;" in AkIOSInitializationSettings.h,my game never stuck and sound vanish. According to IOS ducument, default "Ambient" also will avoid this problem(Why wwise is not valid?). Besides, I try to set config file(Config/DefaultGame.ini) With "AudioSession=(AudioSessionCategory=PlayAndRecord,AudioSessionCategoryOptions=2,AudioSessionMode=Default)", It is not valid.


UE4 Version: 4.24.1

WWise Version:2019.1.10



最新提问 3月 10, 2021 分类:Beta Feedback | 用户: Sambeau W. (140 分)

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