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The audio thread never to resumed in UE4.26+wwise2021.1+IOS

+1 投票

I build the ios game with UE4.26 and wwise2021.1. After the system notification(Edge drop to open Controller) occur, the game sound disappear. The followed is log in different wwise. But I try to enter background and exit,  and the sound is right. Besides, I try add WakeupFromSuspend function to FIOSCoreDelegates::OnDidBecomeActive,  And it still failed.

The Wwise 2019.1.10 + UE4.24:

LogTemp: Display: Calling Delegate

LogAudioMixerAudioUnit: Display: Suspending Audio

LogCore: Display: AppLifetime: Application will deactivate

LogTemp: Display: Task was completed before time.

LogTemp: Display: Done with entering background tasks time.

LogIOSAudioSession: Setting AVAudioSession category to Category:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient Mode:AVAudioSessionModeDefault Options:0

LogAkAudio: Audio thread suspended.  Audio output will be silent.

LogAkAudio: Audio thread suspended.  Audio output will be silent.

LogAkAudio: Audio thread resumed, audio restarts.

LogIOSAudioSession: Setting AVAudioSession category to Category:AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient Mode:AVAudioSessionModeDefault Options:0

LogAudioMixerAudioUnit: Display: Resuming Audio

LogCore: Display: AppLifetime: Application has reactivated

The Wwise 2021.1 + UE4.26:

LogTemp: Display: Calling Delegate

LogAudioMixerAudioUnit: Display: Suspending Audio

LogCore: Display: AppLifetime: Application will deactivate

LogTemp: Display: Task was completed before time.

LogTemp: Display: Done with entering background tasks time.

LogIOSAudioSession: Setting AVAudioSession category to Category:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient Mode:AVAudioSessionModeDefault Options:0

LogAkAudio: Audio thread suspended.  Audio output will be silent.

LogIOSAudioSession: Setting AVAudioSession category to Category:AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient Mode:AVAudioSessionModeDefault Options:0

LogAudioMixerAudioUnit: Display: Resuming Audio

LogCore: Display: AppLifetime: Application has reactivated


最新提问 4月 21, 2021 分类:Beta Feedback | 用户: Sambeau W. (140 分)

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