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Should I add my akpk or akd files to Perforce?

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There are .akpk files (2012.2) or .akd files (2013.1+) under my Originals folder along with my wav files.  Should I add them to source control (Perforce)?  What are those files?
最新提问 5月 8, 2013 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 分)


+1 投票
The akd files (2013.1) replace the akpk files (2012.2 and previous) from previous releases.  

The akd store the following information:
 - Waveform peaks (for the user interface display of the wav file)
 - Loudness analysis (for the loudness normalization feature)
 - HDR envelope (for the HDR system)

The akpk files were storing waveform peaks only.

You should not add them to source control.  They will be recalculated automatically in the background when opening the project (2013.1+).  They are basically storing cached data.
最新回答 5月 8, 2013 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 分)
采纳于 8月 28, 2014 用户:Claude B. (Audiokinetic)
Can you change where the akd files are stored?