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Wwise Event submitted by Subversion is not reflected when updated by svn.

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I'm part of an indie game production team of about 10 people.
I'm the sound designer on that team, and I use Wwise.
But I'm having a problem.
When I create an event in Wwise and Sound Generate it in UE4, it plays fine, but when I submit it in Subversion and update it again in svn, the sound does not play.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm not able to reflect my local environment to the rest of the team.
After repeating the Sound Generate a few times, it does reflect, but what is the problem to ensure that the Wwise data is reflected?

The UE4 version is 4.26 and the Wwise I am integrating with is Wwise_2021.1.5.7749.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
最新提问 1月 15, 2022 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Y.J (100 分)

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