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Importing media files from tab delimited text files

You can import a large amount of media files from a tab delimited (also known as tab-separated) text file. Tab delimited text files (TXT or TSV extensions) can be generated by Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Imported files must have UTF-8 encoding.

[Caution]Large tab delimited imports can take time

Be aware that importing tens of thousands of media files can take a substantial amount of time. To minimize how long it takes, run large file imports on a machine with an SSD drive and ensure you have exited all disk-intensive applications, such as source control synchronization, cloud synchronization, or possibly even virus protection services.

The tab delimited file can define the following elements:

  • WAV, AMB, or MIDI file to import

  • Object structure to contain the files

  • Any property values or references, such as the Voice Volume or Output Bus

  • Events to create

The first row of the tab delimited text file defines the content of the columns for the subsequent rows. The order of the columns has no impact on the import process.

The following table lists and describes all the possible tab delimited text file column headers.

[Tip]Get the absolute path or GUID of an object

Absolute paths and GUIDs can be used to specify objects in a tab delimited file. To obtain the absolute path or the GUID of an object, hold the Shift key and right-click the object to show the shortcut menu. Select Copy path(s) to clipboard or Copy GUID(s) to clipboard.



Audio File

Defines the path to the WAV or MIDI files to import. The file will be copied to the Originals folder, or a subfolder, if it's not already present in the folder. The path can be absolute or relative.

  • Absolute: This is a full path to and including the audio filename itself.

    Example: C:\MyWaves\MyFolder\Originals\MySound.wav

  • Relative: This is a path relative to the tab delimited file's directory.

    Example: ..\..\MyWaves\MyFolder\Originals\MySound.wav

This column can be left blank if creating a container.

Audio File Base64

Defines a base64 encoded WAV audio file data to import. A target file path needs to be specified and separated from the base64 encoded data by a vertical bar ( | ). The target file path will be extracted relative to the Originals folder, under its import type folder.

Example: MySounds/MySound.wav|UklGRuRcAABXQVZFZm10IBAA...

Object Path

Defines the path and name of the object to be created. The path uses backslashes and can either be absolute or relative.

  • Absolute: This is a full path, starting by a backslash and the object category.

    Example: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\MyWorkUnit\MyVirtualFolder\MySound


    If the top-level Work Unit in the absolute path does not exist, the import will fail.

  • Relative: This is a path relative to the import destination, as specified in the Audio File Importer dialog.

    Example: MyVirtualFolder\MySound

If the path to the object doesn't exist, Wwise automatically creates all the missing parents and the object. It is possible to specify the type of different objects in the path by writing it between <> before the object's name. If no type is specified, the importation process will default to a Virtual Folder. The list of possible object types is the same as the Object Type column described below.

If this column is left blank, the name of the object will be taken from the imported audio file, and will be imported to the destination specified in the Audio File Importer dialog.

Object Path Example:  \<Actor-Mixer>Barrel\<Sound SFX>Minigun_Barrel_Stop

Object Type

Specifies the type of object, among the following options:

  • Virtual Folder (for either the Actor-Mixer or the Interactive Music Hierarchy)

  • Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects:

    • Actor-Mixer

    • Random Container

    • Sequence Container

    • Switch Container

    • Blend Container

    • Sound SFX

    • Sound Voice

  • Interactive Music Hierarchy objects:

    • Music Switch Container

    • Music Playlist Container

    • Music Segment

    • Music Track

If this column is left blank, the Object Type is assumed to be a Virtual Folder, unless specified otherwise within the Object Path.


It is not possible to create Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects and Interactive Music Hierarchy objects during the same import when using the Audio File Importer. Nor is it possible, among the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects, to create Sound SFX objects and Sound Voice objects during the same import. It is however possible to import Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects and Interactive Music Hierarchy objects using the Wwise Authoring API and using the -TabDelimitedImport command line option.


Specifies the Originals subfolder in which to place the imported audio file. This folder is relative to the Originals folder in which the file would normally be imported. For example, if importing an SFX, then the audio file is imported to the folder Originals\SFX\<OriginalsSubFolder>.





  • Property[Voice Volume]

  • Property[Volume]

  • @Voice Volume

  • @Volume

The column header specifies which property to set. The property name is either the property name or the display name, as shown in and the RTPC tab, Multi Editor, and List View.

Refer to the Wwise Objects Reference for more information about the properties available.

Common property names:

  • Volume

  • Pitch

  • Lowpass

  • Highpass

Common property display name:

  • Voice Volume

  • Voice Pitch

  • Voice Low-pass Filter

  • Voice High-pass Filter

Each subsequent row specifies a property value to set on the created objects.

Enumerated values must specify the integer value associated with the enumerated name, which can be found in the WWU files or in WObjects.xml.

If this column is left blank, no value is set.





~ReferenceName (deprecated)


  • Reference[Output Bus]

  • Reference[OutputBus]

  • @Output Bus

  • @OutputBus

The column header specifies which reference to set. The reference name is either the reference name or the display name, as shown in List View and Multi-Editor.

Refer to the Wwise Objects Reference for more information about the references available.

Common reference display names:

  • Output Bus

  • User Auxiliary Send 0

  • User Auxiliary Send 1

  • User Auxiliary Send 2

  • User Auxiliary Send 3

  • Conversion Settings

  • Effect 0

  • Effect 1

  • Effect 2

  • Effect 3

  • Attenuation

  • MIDI Target

Each subsequent row specifies one of the following:

  • Absolute Path: The absolute path to an object in the project.

    Example: \Master-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\Master Audio Bus\Sub Bus

  • GUID: The GUID of the object, which can be found in WWU files or directly within the authoring tool by pressing Shift while opening an object's shortcut menu.

    Example: {10EC26E3-03EB-4470-8B30-4344B6F90438}

If this column is left blank, no reference is set.


Defines the notes or comments for the object to be created.

Audio Source Notes

Defines the notes or comments for the audio source file associated with the object to be created.


Defines the path and name of an Event to be created for the imported object.

The path can be either absolute or relative:

  • Absolute path: An absolute path to an Event, which starts with \Events\ , followed by the Work Unit name.

    Example: \Events\MyWorkUnit\PlayEvent

  • Relative path: A path relative to the Default Work Unit for the Events.

    Example: MyVirtualFolder\PlayEvent

If a path element is preceded by <Work Unit> and the name that follows doesn't match an existing Work Unit, a Work Unit is created.

Example using an absolute path: \Events\<Work Unit>NewWorkUnit\PlayEvent

A Virtual Folder is created for any other path elements that don't already exist.

To specify the Action type, append @ActionName to the end of the Event name. If not specified, the Play Action will be used.

Action Type Examples:

  • MyEvent@Play

  • MyEvent@Stop

  • MyEvent@Pause

  • MyEvent@Resume

  • MyEvent@Break

  • MyEvent@Seek

If the specified Event already exists at the destination, a new Event Action is appended to the existing Event if there is not already an identical one.


To create multiple Events for a single object, you can add the Event column multiple times.

Dialogue Event

Defines the path and name of a Dialogue Event to be created for the imported object. The path can be either absolute or relative:

  • Absolute path: An absolute path to a Dialogue Event, which starts with \Dynamic Dialogues\ , followed by the Work Unit name.

    Example: \Dynamic Dialogues\MyWorkUnit\DialogueEvent

  • Relative path: A path relative to the Default Work Unit for the Dialogue Events.

    Example: \MyVirtualFolder\DialogueEvent

If a path element is preceded by <Work Unit> and the name that follows doesn't match an existing Work Unit, a Work Unit is created.

Example using an absolute path: \Dynamic Dialogues\<Work Unit>NewWorkUnit\DialogueEvent

A Virtual Folder is created for any other path elements that don't already exist.

The primary goal of the Dialogue Event column is to give the ability to create or modify a Dialogue Event path, as is done in the Dialogue Event Editor. To specify a path, append @Path: to the end of the Dialogue Event name, followed by the Switch/State structures concatenated with a period.

It is also possible to specify the Probability and the Weight value (ranging from 0 to 100) of the path. To do so, simply add a | then enter Probability:### or Weight:### . See more in Assigning probability and weighting to paths. If no path is specified, using the Probability or Weight argument will do nothing.


To create multiple Dialogue Events for a single object, you can add the Dialogue Event column multiple times.

Dialogue Event Example:  VirtualFolder\Unit_Under_Attack@Path:<Switch Group:MyVirtFolder\FS_Type>Running.<State Group:Hostile>Gang.<Switch Group:VirtualFolder\Location>Alley|Probability:80|Weight:20

Switch Assignation

Defines a Switch Group or State Group that will be associated with a Switch Container within the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy only. Also defines which Switch Container's child to assign to which Switch or State from the associated group.

A Switch Group or State Group is declared between <> by giving the group type and its name separated by a colon. To perform the assignation, you can specify its child after the > . See example below for more details.

Optionally, you can specify a path before the name of the Switch Group, State Group, or the Switch Container's child.

The path can be either absolute or relative:

  • Absolute path: An absolute path to a Switch Group or State Group, which starts with \Switches\ or \States\ , followed by the Work Unit name.

    Example: \Switches\MyWorkUnit

  • Relative path: A path relative to the Default Work Unit for the Switches or States.

    Example: \MyVirtualFolder

If a path element is preceded by <Work Unit> and the name that follows doesn't match an existing Work Unit, a Work Unit is created.

Example using an absolute path: \Switches\<Work Unit>NewWorkUnit

A Virtual Folder is created for any other path elements that don't already exist.


To create multiple Switch Assignations for a single object, you can add the Switch Assignation column multiple times.

Switch Assignation Example:  <Switch Group:YourSwitchGroupName>YourSwitchName , <Switch Group:SS_FS_Type>Jump

To import a tab delimited file:

  1. Open the Audio File Importer by:

    • Selecting the import destination object in the Project Explorer and selecting the Import Audio Files option from its shortcut menu (Shift+I).

    • Selecting Import Audio Files from the Project menu.

    The Audio File Importer opens.

  2. Click the Import Tab Delimited button.

  3. Browse for the tab delimited file, and click OK.

  4. Verify the import content in the Audio File Importer list.

  5. Click Import.

Tab delimited examples

The following tables (borrowing details from the Sample Project while still having differences) provide examples of tab delimited worksheets. Although they are certainly not exhaustive, they do demonstrate multiple possible imports with a few different ways of importing similar things, such as in the use of the Object Type column versus object types specified in the Object Path, and absolute versus relative paths.

One-line creation of multiple objects within a path: Shows how an entire path structure can be created with multiple containers using just one line. Each of the Object Types specified in the Object Path could have been entered in separate lines with entries in the Object Type column.

Audio File

Object Path

[Voice Pitch]

[Output Bus]


C:\My Audio Files\ Minigun\ MnGn_Barrel_Down.wav

\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\
Default Work Unit\
<Blend Container>Barrel\
<Sound SFX>


\Master-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\Master Audio Bus\Environmental\SFX\Guns


Creation of a Switch with Switch Group and Default Switch assignment: Shows how to add a Switch and then assign it a Switch Group and a Switch Value.

Object Path

Object Type

Switch Assignation

\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\My Default Work Unit\<Actor-Mixer>Minigun\<Switch Container>Shells\A

Sound SFX

<Switch Group:\Switches\SS_Impact\SS_Surface>Dirt

\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\My Default Work Unit\<Actor-Mixer>Minigun\<Switch Container>Shells\B

Sound SFX

<Switch Group:SS_Surface>Wood_Solid

Adding Sound Voices with Dialogue Events: Shows how Sound Voices can be added with an associated Dialogue Event and path.

Audio File

Object Path

Object Type

Dialogue Event

..\..\My Voice Recordings\English(US)\UNA-GG-AL_01.wav

\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Dialogues\Captain_A\UNA-GG-AL_01

Sound Voice

\Dynamic Dialogue\Default Work Unit\Unit_Under_Attack@Path:<State Group:Unit>Unit_A.<Switch Group:FS_Type>Running.<State Group:Hostile>Gang.<State Group:Location>*|Probability:80|Weight:20

..\..\My Voice Recordings\English(US)\UNA-HS-AL_01.wav

\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Dialogues\Captain_A\UNA-HS-AL_01

Sound Voice

Unit_Under_Attack@Path:<State Group:Unit>Unit_A.<Switch Group:FS_Type>Running.<State Group:Hostile>DefuseBomb.<State Group:Location>Alley|Probability:20|Weight:20

..\..\My Voice Recordings\English(US)\UNA-GG-HG_01.wav


Sound Voice

Unit_Under_Attack@Path:<State Group:Unit>Unit_A.<Switch Group:FS_Type>Running.<State Group:Hostile>Gang.<State Group:Location>Hangar

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