
AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation Class Referenceabstract

Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them. More...

#include <IAkPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation:

Public Member Functions

virtual AkUniqueID GetAttenuationID (const AkAudioObject &in_object) const =0
virtual bool ExtractCurves (IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, const AkAudioObject &in_object, AkUInt32 in_curveTypesMask, void *out_curves[]) const =0
virtual void Delete (IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, void *&io_attenuationCurve)=0
 Free memory of curve obtained with AK::IAkPluginServiceAttenuationCurve::ExtractCurves. More...
virtual AkReal32 Evaluate (void *&io_attenuationCurve, AkReal32 x)=0
 Evaluate the value of a curve at given x coordinate. More...
virtual void Linearize (void *&io_attenuationCurve)=0
 Some curves are serialized in the log domain. Use this function to convert all the points to linear at once. More...
virtual const AkRTPCGraphPointGetPoint (const void *in_attenuationCurve, AkUInt32 i) const =0
 Get the ith point of the curve. More...
virtual AkUInt32 GetNumPoints (const void *in_attenuationCurve) const =0
 Get the number of points on a curve. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AK::IAkPluginService
virtual ~IAkPluginService ()

Detailed Description

Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them.

Definition at line 1639 of file IAkPlugin.h.

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