Wwise SDK 2023.1.6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
3 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
5 Commercial License Usage
7 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
8 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided
9 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
10 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
12 Apache License Usage
14 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
15 "Apache License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
16 Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
19 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
20 under the Apache License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
21 OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for
22 the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
24  Copyright (c) 2024 Audiokinetic Inc.
25 *******************************************************************************/
27 #ifndef _AK_PLATFORM_FUNCS_H_
28 #define _AK_PLATFORM_FUNCS_H_
31 #include <sce_atomic.h>
32 #include <sceerror.h>
33 #include <wchar.h>
34 #include <string.h>
35 #include <stdio.h>
36 #include <time.h>
37 #include <kernel/eventflag.h>
38 #include <unistd.h>
39 #include <sys/time.h>
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include <cpuid.h>
42 #include <ajm.h>
43 #include <x86intrin.h>
45 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 // Platform-specific thread properties definition.
47 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 struct AkThreadProperties
49 {
50  int nPriority; ///< Thread priority
51  SceKernelCpumask dwAffinityMask; ///< Affinity mask
52  size_t uStackSize; ///< Thread stack size
53  int uSchedPolicy; ///< Thread scheduling policy
54 };
56 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 // External variables.
58 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // These variables are declared and updated by the sound engine.
60 namespace AK
61 {
62  // used by time helpers to return time values in milliseconds.
64 }
66 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 // Defines for PS5.
68 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 #define AK_DECLARE_THREAD_ROUTINE( FuncName ) void* FuncName(void* lpParameter)
70 #define AK_THREAD_RETURN( _param_ ) return (_param_);
71 #define AK_THREAD_ROUTINE_PARAMETER lpParameter
74 #define AK_RETURN_THREAD_OK 0x00000000
75 #define AK_RETURN_THREAD_ERROR 0x00000001
76 #define AK_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE (128*1024)
82 #define AK_THREAD_AFFINITY_ALL 8191 // from 0b1'1111'1111'1111 -- 13 cores available
83 #define AK_THREAD_AFFINITY_DEFAULT 4095 // from 0b0'1111'1111'1111 -- Default to only the 12 fully-available cores. 13th core is half-available.
85 // NULL objects
90 #define AkMax(x1, x2) (((x1) > (x2))? (x1): (x2))
91 #define AkMin(x1, x2) (((x1) < (x2))? (x1): (x2))
92 #define AkClamp(x, min, max) ((x) < (min)) ? (min) : (((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
94 namespace AKPLATFORM
95 {
96 #ifndef AK_OPTIMIZED
97  /// Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string)
98  AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsg( const char* in_pszMsg )
99  {
100  fputs( in_pszMsg, stderr );
101  }
102  /// Output a debug message on the console (Unicode string)
103  AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsg( const wchar_t* in_pszMsg )
104  {
105  fputws( in_pszMsg, stderr );
106  }
108  /// Output a debug message on the console (Unicode string) (variadic function)
109  template <int MaxSize = 0> // Unused
110  AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsgV( const wchar_t* in_pszFmt, ... )
111  {
112  va_list args;
113  va_start(args, in_pszFmt);
114  vfwprintf(stderr, in_pszFmt, args);
115  va_end(args);
116  }
118  /// Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string) (variadic function)
119  template <int MaxSize = 0> // Unused
120  AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsgV( const char* in_pszFmt, ... )
121  {
122  va_list args;
123  va_start(args, in_pszFmt);
124  vfprintf(stderr, in_pszFmt, args);
125  va_end(args);
126  }
127 #else
128  inline void OutputDebugMsg( const wchar_t* ){}
129  inline void OutputDebugMsg( const char* ){}
131  template <int MaxSize = 0> // Unused
132  inline void OutputDebugMsgV( const wchar_t*, ... ){}
134  template <int MaxSize = 0> // Unused
135  inline void OutputDebugMsgV( const char*, ... ){}
136 #endif
139  // Simple automatic event API
140  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
142  /// Platform Independent Helper
143  AkForceInline void AkClearEvent( AkEvent & out_event )
144  {
145  out_event = NULL;
146  }
148  AkForceInline AKRESULT AkCreateNamedEvent( AkEvent & out_event, const char* in_szName )
149  {
150  // NOTE: AkWaitForEvent uses the SCE_KERNEL_EVF_WAITMODE_CLEAR_PAT flag
151  // to get the same behavior as an auto-reset Win32 event
152  int ret = sceKernelCreateEventFlag(
153  &out_event,
154  in_szName,
156  0 /* not signalled by default */,
157  NULL /* No optional params */ );
159  if( ret == SCE_OK )
160  return AK_Success;
162  AkClearEvent( out_event );
163  return AK_Fail;
164  }
166  /// Platform Independent Helper
168  {
169  return AkCreateNamedEvent( out_event, "AkEvent" );
170  }
172  /// Platform Independent Helper
173  AkForceInline void AkDestroyEvent( AkEvent & io_event )
174  {
175  sceKernelDeleteEventFlag(io_event);
176  AkClearEvent( io_event );
177  }
179  /// Platform Independent Helper
180  AkForceInline void AkWaitForEvent( AkEvent & in_event )
181  {
182  AKVERIFY( sceKernelWaitEventFlag(
183  in_event,
184  1,
186  SCE_NULL,
187  SCE_NULL) == 0 );
188  }
190  /// Platform Independent Helper
191  AkForceInline void AkSignalEvent( const AkEvent & in_event )
192  {
193  AKVERIFY( sceKernelSetEventFlag( in_event, 1 ) == 0 );
194  }
196  /// Platform Independent Helper
197  AkForceInline void AkClearSemaphore(AkSemaphore& io_semaphore)
198  {
199  io_semaphore = NULL;
200  }
202  /// Platform Independent Helper
203  inline AKRESULT AkCreateSemaphore( AkSemaphore& out_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_initialCount )
204  {
205  int ret = sceKernelCreateSema(
206  &out_semaphore,
207  "AkSemaphore",
208  0,
209  in_initialCount,
210  INT_MAX,
211  NULL );
213  return ( ret == SCE_OK ) ? AK_Success : AK_Fail;
214  }
216  /// Platform Independent Helper
217  inline void AkDestroySemaphore(AkSemaphore& io_semaphore)
218  {
219  AKVERIFY(sceKernelDeleteSema(io_semaphore) == SCE_OK);
220  }
222  /// Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore wait, aka Operation P. Decrements value of semaphore, and, if the semaphore would be less than 0, waits for the semaphore to be released.
223  inline void AkWaitForSemaphore(AkSemaphore& in_semaphore)
224  {
225  AKVERIFY(sceKernelWaitSema(in_semaphore, 1, NULL) == SCE_OK);
226  }
228  /// Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore signal, aka Operation V. Increments value of semaphore by an arbitrary count.
229  inline void AkReleaseSemaphore(AkSemaphore& in_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_count)
230  {
231  AKVERIFY(sceKernelSignalSema(in_semaphore, in_count) == SCE_OK);
232  }
235  // Threads
236  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
238  /// Platform Independent Helper
239  AkForceInline bool AkIsValidThread( AkThread * in_pThread )
240  {
241  return ( *in_pThread != AK_NULL_THREAD );
242  }
244  /// Platform Independent Helper
245  AkForceInline void AkClearThread( AkThread * in_pThread )
246  {
247  *in_pThread = AK_NULL_THREAD;
248  }
250  /// Platform Independent Helper
251  AkForceInline void AkCloseThread( AkThread * in_pThread )
252  {
253  AKASSERT( in_pThread );
254  AKASSERT( *in_pThread );
256  // #define KILL_THREAD(t) do { void *ret; scePthreadJoin(t,&ret); } while(false)
257  // AKVERIFY( SCE_OK == sceKernelDeleteThread( *in_pThread ) );
258  AkClearThread( in_pThread );
259  }
261  #define AkExitThread( _result ) return _result; // ?????
263  /// Platform Independent Helper
264  AkForceInline void AkGetDefaultThreadProperties( AkThreadProperties & out_threadProperties )
265  {
266  out_threadProperties.uStackSize = AK_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
267  out_threadProperties.uSchedPolicy = AK_THREAD_DEFAULT_SCHED_POLICY;
268  out_threadProperties.nPriority = AK_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
269  out_threadProperties.dwAffinityMask = AK_THREAD_AFFINITY_DEFAULT;
270  }
272  /// Platform Independent Helper
273  inline void AkCreateThread(
274  AkThreadRoutine pStartRoutine, // Thread routine.
275  void * pParams, // Routine params.
276  const AkThreadProperties & in_threadProperties, // Properties. NULL for default.
277  AkThread * out_pThread, // Returned thread handle.
278  const char * in_szThreadName ) // Opt thread name.
279  {
280  AKASSERT( out_pThread != NULL );
282  ScePthreadAttr attr;
284  // Create the attr
285  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrInit(&attr));
286  // Set the stack size
287  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrSetstacksize(&attr,in_threadProperties.uStackSize));
288  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrSetdetachstate(&attr, SCE_PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE));
289  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrSetinheritsched(&attr, SCE_PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED));
290  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrSetaffinity(&attr,in_threadProperties.dwAffinityMask));
292  // Try to set the thread policy
293  int sched_policy = in_threadProperties.uSchedPolicy;
294  if( scePthreadAttrSetschedpolicy( &attr, sched_policy ) )
295  {
296  AKASSERT( !"AKCreateThread invalid sched policy, will automatically set it to FIFO scheduling" );
298  AKVERIFY( !scePthreadAttrSetschedpolicy( &attr, sched_policy ));
299  }
301  int minPriority, maxPriority;
305  // Set the thread priority if valid
306  AKASSERT( in_threadProperties.nPriority >= minPriority && in_threadProperties.nPriority <= maxPriority );
307  if( in_threadProperties.nPriority >= minPriority && in_threadProperties.nPriority <= maxPriority )
308  {
309  SceKernelSchedParam schedParam;
310  AKVERIFY( scePthreadAttrGetschedparam(&attr, &schedParam) == 0 );
311  schedParam.sched_priority = in_threadProperties.nPriority;
312  AKVERIFY( scePthreadAttrSetschedparam(&attr, &schedParam) == 0 );
313  }
315  // Create the tread
316  int threadError = scePthreadCreate(out_pThread, &attr, pStartRoutine, pParams, in_szThreadName);
317  AKASSERT( threadError == 0 );
318  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadAttrDestroy(&attr));
320  if( threadError != 0 )
321  {
322  AkClearThread( out_pThread );
323  return;
324  }
326  // ::CreateThread() return NULL if it fails.
327  if ( !*out_pThread )
328  {
329  AkClearThread( out_pThread );
330  return;
331  }
332  }
334  /// Platform Independent Helper
335  AkForceInline void AkWaitForSingleThread( AkThread * in_pThread )
336  {
337  AKASSERT( in_pThread );
338  AKASSERT( *in_pThread );
339  AKVERIFY(!scePthreadJoin( *in_pThread, NULL ));
340  }
342  inline AkThreadID CurrentThread()
343  {
344  return scePthreadSelf();
345  }
347  /// Platform Independent Helper
348  AkForceInline void AkSleep( AkUInt32 in_ulMilliseconds )
349  {
350  usleep( in_ulMilliseconds * 1000 );
351  }
353  // Time functions
354  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
356  /// Platform Independent Helper
357  AkForceInline void PerformanceCounter( AkInt64 * out_piLastTime )
358  {
359  uint64_t uTime = sceKernelGetProcessTimeCounter();
360  *out_piLastTime = (AkInt64)uTime;
361  }
363  /// Frequency of the PerformanceCounter() (ticks per second)
364  AkForceInline void PerformanceFrequency( AkInt64 * out_piFreq )
365  {
366  *out_piFreq = (AkInt64)sceKernelGetProcessTimeCounterFrequency();
367  }
369  /// Platform Independent Helper
371  {
372  AkInt64 iFreq;
373  PerformanceFrequency( &iFreq );
374  AK::g_fFreqRatio = (AkReal32)((AkReal64)iFreq / 1000);
375  }
377  // Waits for a limited amount of time for in_pVal to hit zero (without yielding the thread)
378  inline void AkLimitedSpinForZero(AkAtomic32* in_pVal)
379  {
380  // monitorx and waitx are available on certain AMD CPUs, so we can have a custom impl of AkLimitedSpinForZero
381  AkInt64 endSpinTime = 0;
382  AkInt64 currentTime = 0;
383  PerformanceCounter(&endSpinTime);
384  endSpinTime += AkInt64(AK::g_fFreqRatio * 0.01); // only spin for about 10us
385  while (true)
386  {
387  // set up monitorx on pVal
388  _mm_monitorx((void*)in_pVal, 0U, 0U);
389  // if pval is zero, skip out
390  if (AkAtomicLoad32(in_pVal) == 0)
391  {
392  break;
393  }
394  // wait until a store to pVal occurs (or ~1us passes)
395  _mm_mwaitx(2U, 0U, 1000U);
397  // Check if we've hit the deadline for the timeout
398  PerformanceCounter(&currentTime);
399  if (currentTime > endSpinTime)
400  {
401  break;
402  }
403  }
404  }
406  // Waits for a limited amount of time for in_pVal to get atomically shift from the expected value to the proposed one
407  // returns true if acquisition succeeded
408  inline bool AkLimitedSpinToAcquire(AkAtomic32* in_pVal, AkInt32 in_proposed, AkInt32 in_expected)
409  {
410  if (AkAtomicCas32(in_pVal, in_proposed, in_expected))
411  {
412  return true;
413  }
415  // Cas failed, start the slower evaluation
417  // monitorx and waitx are available on certain AMD CPUs, so we can use monitorx/waitx
418  AkInt64 endSpinTime = 0;
419  AkInt64 currentTime = 0;
420  PerformanceCounter(&endSpinTime);
421  endSpinTime += AkInt64(AK::g_fFreqRatio * 0.01); // only spin for about 10us
422  while (true)
423  {
424  // set up monitorx on pVal
425  _mm_monitorx((void*)in_pVal, 0U, 0U);
426  // attempt cas to acquire and if successful, skip out
427  if (AkAtomicCas32(in_pVal, in_proposed, in_expected))
428  {
429  return true;
430  }
431  // wait until a store to pVal occurs (or ~1us passes)
432  _mm_mwaitx(2U, 0U, 1000U);
434  // Check if we've hit the deadline for the timeout
435  PerformanceCounter(&currentTime);
436  if (currentTime > endSpinTime)
437  {
438  return false;
439  }
440  }
441  }
443 #define AK_LIMITEDSPINFORZERO // mark AkLimitedSpinForZero as defined to avoid duplicate definitions
445  /// Returns a time range in milliseconds, using the sound engine's updated count->milliseconds ratio.
446  AkForceInline AkReal32 Elapsed( const AkInt64 & in_iNow, const AkInt64 & in_iStart )
447  {
448  return ( in_iNow - in_iStart ) / AK::g_fFreqRatio;
449  }
451  /// String conversion helper
452  AkForceInline AkInt32 AkWideCharToChar( const wchar_t* in_pszUnicodeString,
453  AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize,
454  char* io_pszAnsiString )
455  {
456  AKASSERT( io_pszAnsiString != NULL );
458  mbstate_t state;
459  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (state));
461  return (AkInt32)wcsrtombs(io_pszAnsiString, // destination
462  &in_pszUnicodeString, // source
463  in_uiOutBufferSize, // destination length
464  &state); //
466  }
468  /// String conversion helper
469  AkForceInline AkInt32 AkCharToWideChar( const char* in_pszAnsiString,
470  AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize,
471  void* io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer )
472  {
473  AKASSERT( io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer != NULL );
475  mbstate_t state;
476  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (state));
478  return (AkInt32)mbsrtowcs((wchar_t*)io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer, // destination
479  &in_pszAnsiString, // source
480  in_uiOutBufferSize, // destination length
481  &state); //
482  }
484  AkForceInline AkInt32 AkUtf8ToWideChar( const char* in_pszUtf8String,
485  AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize,
486  void* io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer )
487  {
488  return AkCharToWideChar( in_pszUtf8String, in_uiOutBufferSize, (wchar_t*)io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer );
489  }
491  /// Safe unicode string copy.
492  AkForceInline void SafeStrCpy( wchar_t * in_pDest, const wchar_t* in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars )
493  {
494  size_t uSizeCopy = AkMin( in_uDestMaxNumChars - 1, wcslen( in_pSrc ) + 1 );
495  wcsncpy( in_pDest, in_pSrc, uSizeCopy );
496  in_pDest[uSizeCopy] = '\0';
497  }
499  /// Safe ansi string copy.
500  AkForceInline void SafeStrCpy( char * in_pDest, const char* in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars )
501  {
502  size_t uSizeCopy = AkMin( in_uDestMaxNumChars - 1, strlen( in_pSrc ) + 1 );
503  strncpy( in_pDest, in_pSrc, uSizeCopy );
504  in_pDest[uSizeCopy] = '\0';
505  }
507  /// Safe unicode string concatenation.
508  AkForceInline void SafeStrCat( wchar_t * in_pDest, const wchar_t* in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars )
509  {
510  size_t uAvailableSize = ( in_uDestMaxNumChars - wcslen( in_pDest ) - 1 );
511  wcsncat( in_pDest, in_pSrc, AkMin( uAvailableSize, wcslen( in_pSrc ) ) );
512  }
514  /// Safe ansi string concatenation.
515  AkForceInline void SafeStrCat( char * in_pDest, const char* in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars )
516  {
517  size_t uAvailableSize = ( in_uDestMaxNumChars - strlen( in_pDest ) - 1 );
518  strncat( in_pDest, in_pSrc, AkMin( uAvailableSize, strlen( in_pSrc ) ) );
519  }
521  inline int SafeStrFormat(wchar_t * in_pDest, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars, const wchar_t* in_pszFmt, ...)
522  {
523  va_list args;
524  va_start(args, in_pszFmt);
525  int r = vswprintf(in_pDest, in_uDestMaxNumChars, in_pszFmt, args);
526  va_end(args);
527  return r;
528  }
530  inline int SafeStrFormat(char * in_pDest, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars, const char* in_pszFmt, ...)
531  {
532  va_list args;
533  va_start(args, in_pszFmt);
534  int r = vsnprintf(in_pDest, in_uDestMaxNumChars, in_pszFmt, args);
535  va_end(args);
536  return r;
537  }
539  /// Stack allocations.
540  #define AkAlloca( _size_ ) alloca( _size_ )
544  /// Converts a wchar_t string to an AkOSChar string.
545  /// \remark On some platforms the AkOSChar string simply points to the same string,
546  /// on others a new buffer is allocated on the stack using AkAlloca. This means
547  /// you must make sure that:
548  /// - The source string stays valid and unmodified for as long as you need the
549  /// AkOSChar string (for cases where they point to the same string)
550  /// - The AkOSChar string is used within this scope only -- for example, do NOT
551  /// return that string from a function (for cases where it is allocated on the stack)
552  #define CONVERT_WIDE_TO_OSCHAR( _wstring_, _oscharstring_ ) \
553  _oscharstring_ = (AkOSChar*)AkAlloca( (1 + wcslen( _wstring_ )) * sizeof(AkOSChar) ); \
554  AKPLATFORM::AkWideCharToChar( _wstring_ , (AkUInt32)(1 + wcslen( _wstring_ )), (AkOSChar*)( _oscharstring_ ) )
557  /// Converts a char string to an AkOSChar string.
558  /// \remark On some platforms the AkOSChar string simply points to the same string,
559  /// on others a new buffer is allocated on the stack using AkAlloca. This means
560  /// you must make sure that:
561  /// - The source string stays valid and unmodified for as long as you need the
562  /// AkOSChar string (for cases where they point to the same string)
563  /// - The AkOSChar string is used within this scope only -- for example, do NOT
564  /// return that string from a function (for cases where it is allocated on the stack)
565  #define CONVERT_CHAR_TO_OSCHAR( _astring_, _oscharstring_ ) ( _oscharstring_ ) = (AkOSChar*)( _astring_ )
567  /// Converts a AkOSChar string into wide char string.
568  /// \remark On some platforms the AkOSChar string simply points to the same string,
569  /// on others a new buffer is allocated on the stack using AkAlloca. This means
570  /// you must make sure that:
571  /// - The source string stays valid and unmodified for as long as you need the
572  /// AkOSChar string (for cases where they point to the same string)
573  /// - The AkOSChar string is used within this scope only -- for example, do NOT
574  /// return that string from a function (for cases where it is allocated on the stack)
575  #define CONVERT_OSCHAR_TO_WIDE( _osstring_, _wstring_ ) \
576  _wstring_ = (wchar_t*)AkAlloca((1+strlen(_osstring_)) * sizeof(wchar_t)); \
577  AKPLATFORM::AkCharToWideChar( _osstring_, (AkUInt32)(1 + strlen(_osstring_ )), _wstring_ )
579  /// Converts a AkOSChar string into char string.
580  /// \remark On some platforms the AkOSChar string simply points to the same string,
581  /// on others a new buffer is allocated on the stack using AkAlloca. This means
582  /// you must make sure that:
583  /// - The source string stays valid and unmodified for as long as you need the
584  /// AkOSChar string (for cases where they point to the same string)
585  /// - The AkOSChar string is used within this scope only -- for example, do NOT
586  /// return that string from a function (for cases where it is allocated on the stack)
587  #define CONVERT_OSCHAR_TO_CHAR( _osstring_, _astring_ ) _astring_ = (char*)_osstring_
589  /// Get the length, in characters, of a NULL-terminated AkUtf16 string
590  /// \return The length, in characters, of the specified string (excluding terminating NULL)
591  AkForceInline size_t AkUtf16StrLen( const AkUtf16* in_pStr )
592  {
593  return ( wcslen( in_pStr ) );
594  }
596  /// Get the length, in characters, of a NULL-terminated AkOSChar string
597  /// \return The length, in characters, of the specified string (excluding terminating NULL)
598  AkForceInline size_t OsStrLen( const AkOSChar* in_pszString )
599  {
600  return ( strlen( in_pszString ) );
601  }
603  /// AkOSChar version of sprintf().
604  #define AK_OSPRINTF snprintf
606  /// Compare two NULL-terminated AkOSChar strings
607  /// \return
608  /// - < 0 if in_pszString1 < in_pszString2
609  /// - 0 if the two strings are identical
610  /// - > 0 if in_pszString1 > in_pszString2
611  /// \remark The comparison is case-sensitive
612  AkForceInline int OsStrCmp( const AkOSChar* in_pszString1, const AkOSChar* in_pszString2 )
613  {
614  return ( strcmp( in_pszString1, in_pszString2 ) );
615  }
617  /// Compare two NULL-terminated AkOSChar strings up to the specified count of characters.
618  /// \return
619  /// - < 0 if in_pszString1 < in_pszString2
620  /// - 0 if the two strings are identical
621  /// - > 0 if in_pszString1 > in_pszString2
622  /// \remark The comparison is case-sensitive
623  inline int OsStrNCmp( const AkOSChar* in_pszString1, const AkOSChar* in_pszString2, size_t in_MaxCountSize )
624  {
625  return ( strncmp(in_pszString1, in_pszString2, in_MaxCountSize) );
626  }
628  /// Detects whether the string represents an absolute path to a file
629  inline bool IsAbsolutePath(const AkOSChar* in_pszPath, size_t in_pathLen)
630  {
631  return in_pathLen >= 1 && in_pszPath[0] == '/';
632  }
634  #define AK_UTF16_TO_WCHAR( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::SafeStrCpy( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize )
635  #define AK_WCHAR_TO_UTF16( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::SafeStrCpy( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize )
636  #define AK_UTF8_TO_OSCHAR( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::SafeStrCpy( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize )
637  #define AK_UTF16_TO_OSCHAR( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::AkWideCharToChar( in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, in_pdDest )
638  #define AK_UTF16_TO_CHAR( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::AkWideCharToChar( in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, in_pdDest )
639  #define AK_CHAR_TO_UTF16( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::AkCharToWideChar( in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, in_pdDest )
640  #define AK_OSCHAR_TO_UTF16( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize ) AKPLATFORM::AkCharToWideChar( in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, in_pdDest )
642  // Use with AkOSChar.
643  #define AK_PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
644  #define AK_LIBRARY_PREFIX ""
647  #define AK_FILEHANDLE_TO_UINTPTR(_h) ((AkUIntPtr)_h)
648  #define AK_SET_FILEHANDLE_TO_UINTPTR(_h,_u) _h = (AkFileHandle)_u
650  /// Support to fetch the CPUID for the platform. Only valid for X86 targets
651  /// \remark Note that IAkProcessorFeatures should be preferred to fetch this data
652  /// as it will have already translated the feature bits into AK-relevant enums
653  inline void CPUID(AkUInt32 in_uLeafOpcode, AkUInt32 in_uSubLeafOpcode, unsigned int out_uCPUFeatures[4])
654  {
655  __get_cpuid_count( in_uLeafOpcode, in_uSubLeafOpcode,
656  &out_uCPUFeatures[0],
657  &out_uCPUFeatures[1],
658  &out_uCPUFeatures[2],
659  &out_uCPUFeatures[3]);
660  }
661 }
663 #endif // _AK_PLATFORM_FUNCS_H_
AKRESULT AkCreateSemaphore(AkSemaphore &out_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_initialCount)
Platform Independent Helper.
size_t AkUtf16StrLen(const AkUtf16 *in_pStr)
Audiokinetic namespace.
@ AK_Fail
The operation failed.
Definition: AkTypes.h:134
semaphore_t AkEvent
Definition: AkTypes.h:84
int nPriority
Thread priority.
void AkClearEvent(AkEvent &out_event)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline void AkClearSemaphore(AkSemaphore &io_semaphore)
Platform Independent Helper.
Platform-dependent helpers.
Definition: AkBitFuncs.h:43
void AkWaitForEvent(AkEvent &in_event)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline void UpdatePerformanceFrequency()
Platform Independent Helper.
int AkThreadID
Definition: AkTypes.h:69
Standard function call result.
Definition: AkTypes.h:131
void OutputDebugMsg(const char *in_pszMsg)
Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string)
__forceinline int AkAtomicCas32(AkAtomic32 *pDest, long proposed, long expected)
Definition: AkAtomic.h:68
void CPUID(AkUInt32 in_uLeafOpcode, AkUInt32 in_uSubLeafOpcode, unsigned int out_uCPUFeatures[4])
char AkOSChar
Generic character string.
Definition: AkTypes.h:60
int SafeStrFormat(wchar_t *in_pDest, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars, const wchar_t *in_pszFmt,...)
#define NULL
Definition: AkTypes.h:46
AkThreadID CurrentThread()
Returns the calling thread's ID.
bool IsAbsolutePath(const AkOSChar *in_pszPath, size_t in_pathLen)
Detects whether the string represents an absolute path to a file.
float AkReal32
32-bit floating point
@ AK_Success
The operation was successful.
Definition: AkTypes.h:133
int32_t AkInt32
Signed 32-bit integer.
void AkCreateThread(AkThreadRoutine pStartRoutine, void *pParams, const AkThreadProperties &in_threadProperties, AkThread *out_pThread, const char *)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkUInt16 AkUtf16
Definition: AkTypes.h:61
void OutputDebugMsgV(const char *in_pszFmt,...)
Output a debug message on the console (variadic function).
void PerformanceCounter(AkInt64 *out_piLastTime)
Platform Independent Helper.
volatile uint32_t AkAtomic32
Definition: AkAtomic.h:45
void AkDestroySemaphore(AkSemaphore &io_semaphore)
Platform Independent Helper.
void AkDestroyEvent(AkEvent &io_event)
Platform Independent Helper.
nn::os::ThreadFunction AkThreadRoutine
Thread routine.
Definition: AkTypes.h:90
AkForceInline bool AkIsValidThread(AkThread *in_pThread)
Platform Independent Helper.
#define AkMin(x1, x2)
#define AKASSERT(Condition)
Definition: AkAssert.h:67
#define AKVERIFY(x)
Definition: AkAssert.h:69
AkForceInline void AkSleep(AkUInt32 in_ulMilliseconds)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline void AkClearThread(AkThread *in_pThread)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline void AkGetDefaultThreadProperties(AkThreadProperties &out_threadProperties)
Platform Independent Helper.
int OsStrNCmp(const AkOSChar *in_pszString1, const AkOSChar *in_pszString2, size_t in_MaxCountSize)
void AkLimitedSpinForZero(AkAtomic32 *in_pVal)
bool AkLimitedSpinToAcquire(AkAtomic32 *in_pVal, AkInt32 in_proposed, AkInt32 in_expected)
SceKernelCpumask dwAffinityMask
Affinity mask.
AkReal32 g_fFreqRatio
double AkReal64
64-bit floating point
AKRESULT AkCreateEvent(AkEvent &out_event)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline void SafeStrCpy(wchar_t *in_pDest, const wchar_t *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
Safe unicode string copy.
int64_t AkInt64
Signed 64-bit integer.
void AkWaitForSemaphore(AkSemaphore &in_semaphore)
Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore wait, aka Operation P. Decrements value of semaphore,...
size_t uStackSize
Thread stack size.
void PerformanceFrequency(AkInt64 *out_piFreq)
Platform Independent Helper.
int uSchedPolicy
Thread scheduling policy.
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkCharToWideChar(const char *in_pszAnsiString, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, void *io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer)
String conversion helper.
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
void AkReleaseSemaphore(AkSemaphore &in_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_count)
Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore signal, aka Operation V. Increments value of semaphore by an ...
AkForceInline void SafeStrCat(wchar_t *in_pDest, const wchar_t *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
Safe unicode string concatenation.
AkForceInline AKRESULT AkCreateNamedEvent(AkEvent &out_event, const char *in_szName)
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkWideCharToChar(const wchar_t *in_pszUnicodeString, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, char *io_pszAnsiString)
String conversion helper.
AkForceInline void AkWaitForSingleThread(AkThread *in_pThread)
Platform Independent Helper.
void AkSignalEvent(const AkEvent &in_event)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkUtf8ToWideChar(const char *in_pszUtf8String, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, void *io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer)
String conversion helper.
semaphore_t AkSemaphore
Definition: AkTypes.h:85
AkForceInline void AkCloseThread(AkThread *in_pThread)
Platform Independent Helper.
AkForceInline int OsStrCmp(const AkOSChar *in_pszString1, const AkOSChar *in_pszString2)
#define AkForceInline
Definition: AkTypes.h:63
__forceinline long AkAtomicLoad32(AkAtomic32 *pSrc)
Definition: AkAtomic.h:58
AkForceInline size_t OsStrLen(const AkOSChar *in_pszString)
AkForceInline AkReal32 Elapsed(const AkInt64 &in_iNow, const AkInt64 &in_iStart)
Returns a time range in milliseconds, using the sound engine's updated count->milliseconds ratio.

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