Leçon 3

Table des matières

Continue to Play with Playback Limit

The weapons in WAG have been designed to allow multiple impacts in one swing. This means that any weapon can hit one collider (like a crate) and pass through into another collider (like the ground), thereby triggering first the impact sound of a crate, followed by a ground sound in the same swing. This is an automatic system, and it makes the interaction with the environment more dynamic, as the staging of objects have an impact on your collision sounds.

However, with this method you can potentially hit numerous colliders, resulting in a quite disagreeable representation of that sound. The game depends on the functionality, so it can’t be changed; but, on the audio side, we can limit the amount of times triggered to something that sounds better. Let’s reduce the number of impact sounds to three, and set it to global as there’s only one player:

  1. In the Project Explorer, expand Actor-Mixer Hierarchy > Default Work Unit > World > Player > Player > Melee, and select Impact_Weapon_Type.

  2. Enable the Limit sound instances to check box.

    As there’s only one player, the count can be done globally to account for impacts with all the different objects encountered.

  3. Set the value to 3 and Globally.

As the Impact_Weapon_Type Switch Container is inheriting the 'Continue to Play' option, it will make sure the sound is not hindered in any way due to project limits. Instead the impact sounds will be limited by the Playback Limit, ensuring a sturdy control of your voices in runtime.

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