Leçon 7

Table des matières

Platform Specific Memory Settings

You have now estimated and allocated memory resources for Windows, but since you performed significant platform exclusion changes in lesson 5, wouldn't the memory usage change as well?

The answer is 'Yes'. By default, the Memory Pool settings in the AkWwiseInitializationSettings Asset file will be applied to all platforms, however, as you reduced the number of active voices, effects and more on mobile devices, the memory usage will change accordingly. In such a case, you can set specific memory pool settings, which allows you to minimize your memory usage on platforms with less hardware performance like iOS or Android.

Here are the results when profiling the Wwise Adventure Game running on an iPhone 6S (iOS).

Let's adjust the Default and Lower Engine memory pool according to the memory usage above, as they are the two memory pools that are the most susceptible to change due to the platform changes in WAG.

  1. In the WAG Unity project’s Hierarchy view, make sure the WwiseInitalizer game-object is selected.

  2. In the Inspector, double-click the AkWwiseInitializationSettings Asset file.

    Let’s now assign a new Streaming Pool Size, with some additional headroom.

  3. In the Common User Settings list, expand the Default Pool Size property.

    Here you will see all platforms created in the referenced Wwise Project will be listed. When enabled, the platform will use the memory pool value in the top of the property, but when disabled you can specify a new value.

  4. In the Default Pool Size property, disable the Android_High, Android_Low and iOS platform.

    When profiling iOS, the Default memory pool peaked at 1.0 MB. As such, let's include 25% headroom and set the Default memory pool to 1.25 MB.
  5. Next to the Android_High, Android_Low and iOS platform, set the value to 1 250 000.

    Let's repeat this process for the Lower Engine memory pool.

  6. In the Common User Settings list, expand the Lower Engine Pool Size property.

    Here you will see all platforms created in the referenced Wwise Project will be listed. When enabled, the platform will use the memory pool value in the top of the property, but when disabled you can specify a new value.

  7. In the Lower Engine Pool Size property, disable the Android_High, Android_Low and iOS platform and set the platforms to 7 400 000.

When having platform exclusive features there can be even larger differences, and therefore, you should definitely re-estimate the memory pools.

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