

AkBank Class Reference

Loads and unloads a SoundBank at a specified moment. Vorbis sounds can be decompressed at a specified moment using the decode compressed data option. In that case, the SoundBank will be prepared. More...

Inherits AkUnityEventHandler.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

override void  HandleEvent (GameObject in_gameObject)
  Loads the SoundBank.
void  UnloadBank (GameObject in_gameObject)
  Unloads a SoundBank.

Public Attributes

string  bankName = ""
  Name of the SoundBank, as specified in the Wwise project.
bool  loadAsynchronous = false
  Check this to load the SoundBank in the background. Be careful, if Events are triggered and the SoundBank hasn't finished loading, you'll have "Event not found" errors.
bool  decodeBank = false
  Decode this SoundBank upon load.
bool  saveDecodedBank = false
  Save the decoded SoundBank to disk for faster loads in the future.
List< int >  unloadTriggerList = new List<int>() {AkUnityEventHandler.DESTROY_TRIGGER_ID }
const int  MAX_NB_TRIGGERS = 32
  Since our mask is a 32 bits integer, we can't have more than 32 triggers.
List< int >  triggerList = new List<int>() { START_TRIGGER_ID }
  List containing the enabled triggers.
bool  useOtherObject = false
  This property is usefull only when used with colliders. When enabled, the target of the action will be the other colliding object. When disabled, it will be the current object.

Static Public Attributes

static Dictionary< uint, string >  triggerTypes = AkTriggerBase.GetAllDerivedTypes ()
  Will contain the types of all the triggers derived from AkTriggerBase at runtime.

Detailed Description

Loads and unloads a SoundBank at a specified moment. Vorbis sounds can be decompressed at a specified moment using the decode compressed data option. In that case, the SoundBank will be prepared.

Generated on Thu Jul 19 10:35:20 2018 for Wwise Unity Integration by  doxygen 1.6.3

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