
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11

◆ CreateAuto() [1/2]

virtual AKRESULT AK::IAkStreamMgr::CreateAuto ( AkFileID  in_fileID,
AkFileSystemFlags in_pFSFlags,
const AkAutoStmHeuristics in_heuristics,
AkAutoStmBufSettings in_pBufferSettings,
IAkAutoStream *&  out_pStream,
bool  in_bSyncOpen 
pure virtual

Create an automatic stream (ID overload).

AK_Success if the stream was created successfully
The stream needs to be started explicitly with IAkAutoStream::Start().
The ID overload of AK::StreamMgr::IAkFileLocationResolver::Open() will be called.
See also
in_fileID Application-defined ID
in_pFSFlags Special file system flags (can pass NULL)
in_heuristics Streaming heuristics
in_pBufferSettings Stream buffer settings (it is recommended to pass NULL to use the default settings)
out_pStream Returned interface to an automatic stream. If the function does not return AK_Success, this pointer is left untouched.
in_bSyncOpen If true, force the Stream Manager to open file synchronously. Otherwise, it is left to its discretion.

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