

Loading the Data from a previous Remote Capture Session

While you are capturing information from your game, Wwise dumps the information into a profiling session file called You can load this information back into Wwise at a later time to perform further analysis of the audio in your game.

Each new profiling session will create a new file, with an incrementing number after the filename. You can specify the number of files kept in the Profiler Settings.

[Note] Note

If you want Wwise to save the data from a capture session to a file, you can click Save Log on top of the Capture Log. This will copy the latest session to your new location.

To load the data from a previous capture session:

  1. Switch to the Profiler layout by doing one of the following:

    • From the menu bar, click Layouts > Profiler.

    • Press F6.

  2. From the toolbar, click Connect to Remote Platform .

    The Remote Connections dialog box opens.

  3. Click Connect To File.

  4. Select one PROF file and click Open.

    All the data collected in the capture session is loaded into the views of the Profiler, Voice Profiler, and Game Object Profiler layouts.

To compute statistics from multiple profiling sessions

  1. Open the Profiler Statistics View from the View menu.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Connect to Remote Platform button.

    The Remote Connections dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Connect To File button.

  4. Select as many PROF files as you need and click Open.

    All the data collected in the selected capture sessions is processed and the resulting statistics are presented in the Profiling Statistics view.

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