
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Using AkRoomPortal and AkRoomPortalObstruction from the Inspector

Portals play an important role in all Spatial Audio Concepts. The Integration implements portals with two Wwise components: AkRoomPortal and its complementary (not mandatory) AkRoomPortalObstruction.


  • Initial State: Sets the portal to begin closed or open.
    • Open On: Provides a list of Unity events that will open the portal. You can choose more than one Unity event, in which case the field will display as "Mixed…". You can also code your own triggers, so they appear in the list for your co-workers. See Adding New Triggers for Wwise Events.
    • Close On: Provides a list of Unity events that will close the portal. You can choose more than one Unity event, in which case the field will display as "Mixed…". You can also code your own triggers, so they appear in the list for your co-workers. See Adding New Triggers for Wwise Events. Also see SDK doc: Using Rooms and Portals.
  • Back Room An AkRoomPortal connecting two or more rooms always designates one as the Back Room. The Back is on the negative side of the portal (opposite to the direction of the local Z axis). When there is more than one possible option for the Back Room, you can click it to select another listed option.
  • Front Room An AkRoomPortal connecting two or more rooms always designates one as the Front Room. The Front is on the positive side of the portal (aligned with the direction of the local Z axis). When there is more than one possible option for the Front Room, you can click it to select another listed option.


Obstructs the spatial audio portal of the current GameObject from the spatial audio listener, if at least one object is between them, through a call to SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion().

You can only add AkRoomPortalObstruction to GameObjects which already have an AkRoomPortal component. Also, there will be no obstruction if no spatial audio listener has been registered.

  • Fade Time: The number of seconds for fade ins and fade outs.
  • Layer Mask: Indicates which layers act as obstructers.
  • Max Distance: The maximum distance at which to perform obstruction. A negative value will be interpreted as inifinite distance.
  • Refresh Interval: The number of seconds between obstruction checks. If 0, obstruction checking continues non-stop.
Note: Do not use AkRoomPortalObstruction if using spatial audio diffraction.
See also

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