
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation

An AkRoom is an enclosed environment that can only communicate to the outside/other rooms with AkRoomPortals. More...

Inherits AkTriggerHandler.

Public Member Functions

ulong GetID ()
 Access the room's ID. More...

Public Attributes

int priority = 0
AK.Wwise.AuxBus reverbAuxBus = new AK.Wwise.AuxBus()
 The reverb auxiliary bus. More...
float reverbLevel = 1
 The reverb control value for the send to the reverb aux bus. More...
float transmissionLoss = 1
 Loss value modeling transmission through walls. More...
AK.Wwise.Event roomToneEvent = new AK.Wwise.Event()
 Wwise Event to be posted on the room game object. More...
float roomToneAuxSend = 0
 Send level for sounds that are posted on the room game object; adds reverb to ambience and room tones. Valid range: (0.f-1.f). A value of 0 disables the aux send. More...
System.Collections.Generic.List< int > triggerList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { START_TRIGGER_ID }
 List containing the enabled triggers. More...
bool useOtherObject = false
 This property is usefull only when used with colliders. When enabled, the target of the action will be the other colliding object. When disabled, it will be the current object. More...

Static Public Attributes

const int MAX_NB_TRIGGERS = 32
 Since our mask is a 32 bits integer, we can't have more than 32 triggers. More...
static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary< uint, string > triggerTypes = AkTriggerBase.GetAllDerivedTypes()
 Will contain the types of all the triggers derived from AkTriggerBase at runtime. More...

Detailed Description

An AkRoom is an enclosed environment that can only communicate to the outside/other rooms with AkRoomPortals.

The AkRoom component uses its required Collider component to determine when AkRoomAwareObjects enter and exit the room using the OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit callbacks.

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