
Wwise SDK 2023.1.4
AK::IAkEffectPlugin Class Referenceabstract

Software effect plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). More...

#include <IAkPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for AK::IAkEffectPlugin:
AK::IAkPlugin AK::IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin AK::IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin AK::IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin

Public Member Functions

virtual AKRESULT Init (IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, IAkEffectPluginContext *in_pEffectPluginContext, IAkPluginParam *in_pParams, AkAudioFormat &io_rFormat)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from AK::IAkPlugin
virtual AKRESULT Term (IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)=0
virtual AKRESULT Reset ()=0
virtual AKRESULT GetPluginInfo (AkPluginInfo &out_rPluginInfo)=0
virtual bool SupportMediaRelocation () const
virtual AKRESULT RelocateMedia (AkUInt8 *, AkUInt8 *)

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~IAkEffectPlugin ()
 Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AK::IAkPlugin
virtual ~IAkPlugin ()
 Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings. More...

Detailed Description

Software effect plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins).

Definition at line 758 of file IAkPlugin.h.

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