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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Release Notes 2021.1.7.7796.2228

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine 4. Here is what has changed in the 2021.1.7.7796.2228 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).

This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine 4 features.
This integration compiles against Unreal Engine versions 4.23 and up, but was only tested against Unreal Engine 4.26.

Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

Behavior Changes

  • WG-57995 Improved asset loading performance during Sound Data generation.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-57987 Fixed: Crash due to loading assets while not on the game thread when generating Sound Data in Legacy (non-EBP) mode.
  • WG-58133 Fixed: Crash when Wwise assets are loaded before the AkAudio module.
  • WG-58160 Fixed: Crash when sending geometry from AkSurfaceReflectorSetComponent.
  • WG-58882 Fixed: Linux compilation error in Unreal 5.

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