
Wwise SDK 2023.1.4
AkAsyncIOTransferInfo Struct Reference

#include <AkStreamMgrModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for AkAsyncIOTransferInfo:

Public Attributes

void * pBuffer
 Buffer for data transfer. More...
AkIOCallback pCallback
 Callback function used to notify the high-level device when the transfer is complete. More...
void * pCookie
 Reserved. The I/O device uses this cookie to retrieve the owner of the transfer. More...
void * pUserData
 Custom user data.
- Public Attributes inherited from AkIOTransferInfo
AkUInt64 uFilePosition
 File offset where transfer should begin. More...
AkUInt32 uBufferSize
 Size of the buffer in which the I/O hook can write to. More...
AkUInt32 uRequestedSize
 Exact number of requested bytes for this transfer. Always equal to or smaller than uBufferSize. More...

Detailed Description

Structure for asynchronous transfers handshaking with the Low-Level I/O. Extends AkIOTransferInfo.

See also

Definition at line 119 of file AkStreamMgrModule.h.

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