

The Projects page, shown in the following image, lists all previously loaded Wwise projects, including projects that require the Wwise Unity Integration or the Wwise Unreal Integration.

Open Other: Opens a system file browser to open a project not listed here.

Zip Other Projects: Opens the PROJECT ZIPPER. This can create an archive of a Wwise project and its associated files that you can then share as a single ZIP file.

Project with version number and license status.

The project is in trial mode. By default, all Wwise projects begin with this status. All standard Wwise options are available, but users are limited to a maximum of 200 sounds in their SoundBanks, and can only publish non-commercial titles with fewer than 200 sounds. For additional sounds and publishing permissions, you must license your project.

The ID of the license currently set for the project.

The license applied to the project will expire within seven days. To renew or extend the license, your organization's license manager must contact the Audiokinetic Sales department.

The license applied to the project is expired and therefore your project has the same limitations as a project in Trial mode. To renew the license, your organization's license manager must contact the Audiokinetic Sales department.

OPEN IN WWISE: Provides options to open the project in any version of Wwise installed on your computer, except for an earlier version of Wwise than the one with which the project was last saved.

Opens the project in a later version of Wwise than the one with which the project was last saved. Wwise opens with a dialog offering to migrate the project to its Wwise version.

PROJECT LICENSE: this list contains two options.

  • Set Project License: Click to choose from a list of licenses available to your user account. Only available when logged in.

  • Register your Project to Obtain a License: Click to open the Register a Project page in your browser.

A blue exclamation means the current license has changed. For example, a licensed plug-in was added, or an expiration date was extended. Click to open the list, then click Update to latest from the License Server to apply the changes.

Click to open the project's containing folder or open the PROJECT ZIPPER. This can create an archive of a Wwise project and its associated files that you can then share as a single ZIP file.

Click to view the full path of the .wproj project file.

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