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Changing Event State in Unreal Engine 4.26.2

0 votes

So I'm trying to create an event in a UE4 project that switches a Wwise state group based on an already created blueprint in the project. This blueprint is working as it should be, but I can't figure out how to have this state group changed in UE4 by a blueprint. 
For more detail, the blueprint switches between 4 different levels based on player action. My Wwise state group has corresponding audio for each level. What I am after doing is having each state switch based on which level the player is at, so the audio smoothly changes during gameplay.

I've got the state group in the engine, working manually (where I just switch the state in the blueprint and press "play") so I know it works, it's just getting this to be changed by the engine is where I'm unable to progress. 

image Wwise State group

image Blueprint in UE4 that posts the event and lets me change state group


image An attempted blueprint for changing the states

asked Apr 30, 2022 in General Discussion by Adam R. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you always post the same event after the state change, why not granularisz that event per state change (Heartbeat_LV_1, Heartbeat_LV_2...) an trigger your state changes in the events in Wwise?

Hope it helps!
answered May 29, 2022 by Nikola Viel [SIDE Global] (1,640 points)