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How to properly handle PS5 controller speaker with headphones?

+1 vote


What would be the correct way of handling sounds sent to the PS5 controller's speaker depending on whether headphones are connected to the console or not?

I know how to send audio events to the secondary output ( — link for others researching this topic and with similar problems) but the thing is I need to somehow detect that the headphones have been connected to the console and reroute these events to go to the main bus instead. And, of course, in case of other platforms, these events should go there by default.

We are working on Unreal Engine 5.1, using Wwise version 2021.1.9.7847.2311, but will probably update soon to the 2022.1.1.8100 version.

demandé 6-Fev-2023 dans General Discussion par Tomasz B. (110 points)

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