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LogWwiseFileHandler: Error: Term Media file state 319143827 when there are still 1 load count

0 votes

Using the wwise/unreal integration. Wwise 2022.1.3 and Unreal 4.27. Engineering runs a test on the build which loads up a map, does some interaction tests, then unloads the map. During the unloading test we are seeing these errors:

LogWwiseFileHandler: Error: Term Media file state 319143827 when there are still 1 load count

All of the Media IDs are referring to media files which are set to streaming. These errors started showing up after upgrading to wwise 2022.1.3 from wwise 2022.1.1. I would think something is going wrong with the unloading of streaming files. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
asked Apr 18, 2023 in General Discussion by Derrick R. (120 points)

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