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Building to iOS with the AtmosRenderer, and getting a link error in Xcode when calling "_isDolbyAtmosGameSupported"

0 votes
Using Unity 2022.3.20f, Wwise 2022.1.11 & Xcode 15.3

So I have successfully built to iOS with the AtmosRenderer plugins before, getting feedback in the runtime log in Xcode that it is working. I only run into issues when calling the "_isDolbyAtmosGameSupported" check, following dolby recommendations in their documents. I get undefined symbols for architecture arm64.

I was wondering if this has happened to anybody perhaps with other plugins before and how it could be resolved.


Here is the Xcode error log:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:

  "_isDolbyAtmosGameSupported", referenced from:

      _WwiseSettings_isDolbyAtmosGameSupported_mEE64148A36DE92EDA2B1FF73073E700CFC7602E8 in libGameAssembly.a[9](9qwbeflos1xg.o)

      _WwiseSettings_SetAtmos_mB66B8BE8DB6ED03249F69BF134FD316D881F6D39 in libGameAssembly.a[9](9qwbeflos1xg.o)

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
asked Mar 28 in General Discussion by Ethan W. (130 points)

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