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Wwise Unity Integration Error - WWISEROOT and WWISESDK paths

0 votes

Hi everyone,

I'm having a problem with the Wwise Unity Integration involving the new 3D Audio SDK from Oculus.

Basically I already copy the code from the OculusSpatializer.h to the right file and location, but now I'm having problems building the package to import into unity. I'm having problems with the Environment Variables WWISEROOT and WWISESDK, but after confirmation on the Windows Environmental Variables section, they are pointing to the right Wwise directories.

I'll attach some printscreens of the errors that I got. I tried both building it through the Command Line and Visual Studio 2015 and got the same error in both.

Does anyone have any idea of what it might be? Thanks in advance for all the help!


EDIT (09/02/16):

This is the error that I'm getting:


I applied the code in the following way:

Wwise Version

Version of Wwise I'm working with.

3D Plugin Code

This is where I applied the code of the Oculus Spacializer.

Code + Call

And this is where the code is finished and also where I called for that same function.

Hope this makes it easier for someone to give me a hand. Thanks!

demandé 4-Fev-2016 dans General Discussion par Vasco G. (100 points)
edité 9-Fev-2016 par Vasco G.

1 Réponse

0 votes
If you have just updated the environment variables, you need to log out of Windows and log back in. This is just the way Windows environmant variables work, unfortunately.


If you did do that, then please post the logs of the errors you are getting.
répondu 8-Fev-2016 par Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
I didn't update the environment variables, they were created when I installed Wwise. Just went there to check. In any case, I rebooted the computer many times.

At the moment those variables are pointing to the following directories:

WWISEROOT: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise v2015.1.4 build 5497\

WWISESDK: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise v2015.1.4 build 5497\SDK

I also updated the post with some screenshots of the error and also the way I applied the code.

Hope this is helpful. Thanks for the help.