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Re-play mode

+4 votes

Hi guys, 

is there any way to have a replay button on the profiler page?

I mean, if i capture a profiling session connected for example to Unreal or Unity, can i re-play the recorded session using wwise, without play the game in Unreal or Unity?

In Fmod it's called Instant replay and it's very good.

Furthermore, should be fantastic, the possibility to record the video gameplay from Unity or Unreal, together with a profiler session in a video file. So a remote session with a video player instead Unreal or Unity, and after, play the session in Wwise with the video reference.
It could be very usefull if the composer or sound design can't have the project, but in this way he can work in sync, check the messages and mix wwise project without the game build.


demandé 19-Sep-2017 dans Feature Requests par Davide C. (140 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
As far as I know, that feature isn't in Wwise as of yet.  (Would love it though!)
répondu 20-Sep-2017 par Blake (420 points)
Yes please, this would be great addition to Wwise workflow.