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Multiplayer in UE4. Wwise events are server only?

0 votes
I will be working on my first multiplayer game soon in UE4. I have been trying to find more information about using the same sounds like weapons across all players and not have them heard by everyone in that match, but I have not found a clear answer. In our game we are using a multicast to post to all clients, Wwise nodes in Ue4 have the server only Icon on them. How do I go about posting events to the clients? Does this have something to do with the "Set Multiple Positions" node?


I haven’t dove into multiplayer sound yet but I am getting prepared when it comes around.


Thank you,

demandé 4-Avr-2018 dans General Discussion par Jeff Brilhante (280 points)
edité 4-Avr-2018 par Jeff Brilhante

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