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I don't do Windows, neither VS2017 or 2015. So what do Xcode/Mac devs do for "premake Authoring", please?

+1 vote
I'm following the same instructions on macOS, with WWise 2019.1.2.7018 and the Authoring package installed:

 premake Authoring gives " error: argument platform: invalid choice: 'Authoring' (choose from 'tvOS', 'iOS', 'Mac')"
demandé 19-Aou-2019 dans General Discussion par S G. (240 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Hi S G

I'm not 100% sure but I strongly suspect you won't be able to build the authoring project files for macOS.

Consider that the .dll files that provide the MFC user interface within Wwise on macOS run within some kind of wine enviroment that is providing compatibility with the build from Windows.

Its a bit like asking how one might generate the visual studio project files for an ios app.

For this task I strongly recommend you get a Windows system ( virtual machine or otherwise ).

I am sympathetic to your situation and as much as it pains me to recommend Windows to someone that is the nature of APIs that are built around vendor lock in.


Dan Murray
répondu 20-Aou-2019 par Dan M. (2,640 points)
Thanks for the quick reply, Dan. I shall speak to someone else on the team who has Windows - and still has VS2015 installed. Hopefully we'll only need to do this once. We're making products for iOS so macOS is the essential 'lock in', from our point of view ;-)

You might like to update the docs at to make clear that the premake Authoring example only works on Windows (and currently requires VS2015, though I hope that'll be fixed sooner). The build Documentation option does seem to work on Macs.
> You might like to update the docs at to make clear that the premake Authoring example only works on Windows (and currently requires VS2015, though I hope that'll be fixed sooner). The build Documentation option does seem to work on Macs.

Like I say i'm not 100% sure - it may well be supposed to be working!

That being said I'd be surprised if it does work at all.

Don't forget that just because you are making products for ios does not mean that you 'have' to use macOS for Wwise. For the cost of a single apple brand adapter you can buy a Windows machine for the sole purpose of running Wwise and save yourself future compatibility headaches ;)
0 votes
As Dan pointed out, our current solution for Wwise Authoring on macOS requires running through Wine, which means that it is still the Windows libraries that are used on macOS.

This means you currently need a Windows setup to be able to build for macOS Authoring.
répondu 28-Aou-2020 par Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,320 points)