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WAAPI: changing color not working - OverrideColor property?

0 votes

I am trying to change the color of some work units via Waapi but i dont succed. I realized when you use the authoring tool a line is added to the wu xlm which sets overridecolor to True. I tried doing it via Waapi like this:'ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty', {"object": dirty_wus_ids[i],
                                                 "property": "OverrideColor",
                                                "value": True})

 But then i get a message "Property cannot be set". I see that OverrideColor has True in "Read only" here:

Is this just impossible to do with Waapi? Any workaround?




demandé 10-Mar-2020 dans General Discussion par Eduardo B. (270 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse

You can change WObjects.xml and replace the IsVisible for OverrideColor:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 20??.?.?.????\Authoring\Data\WObjects\WObjects.xml

<Property Name="OverrideColor" Type="bool" IsVisible="true" DisplayName="Override Color">

Restart Wwise for the changes to take effect.

répondu 11-Mar-2020 par Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
sélectionné 3-Jun-2020 par Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)
0 votes
First you have to overrride and then apply color. I used this code in my python script and it works everytime:


def set_object_color_override(object_path):
    Active ou désactive l'override de couleur pour un objet spécifié par son chemin.
    args = {
        "object": object_path,
        "property": "OverrideColor",
        "value": True
    }"ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty", args)

def set_object_color(object_path, color_index):
    Définit la couleur d'un objet spécifié par son chemin.
    args = {
        "object": object_path,
        "property": "Color",
        "value": 4 #Red color - Wwise colors from 1 to 26
    }"ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty", args)
répondu 7-Sep-2023 par Benjamin B. (140 points)