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Problem with audio listener in unity.

0 votes
Hello everyone,

I'm a very beginner with unity and Wwise. I start watching some online course to make me an idea of how this world works.
I'm watching now the wwise course on unity website (that seems really good), but I have a problem with the audio listener.
I integrated Wwise in the unity project, created an empty object with AK Bank with my soundbank and everything works well.
I disabled unity audio in the audio manager, but the problem persist with the message "There are no audio listeners in the scene. Please ensure there is always one audio listener in the scene",
With the only difference that now it's just a single message each time I play the game, before was continuos new messages.
I tried everything that i could try with my experience in the program. Someone can help me to understand which the problem is?


Thanks in advance
asked Feb 11, 2021 in General Discussion by Marco P. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Marco,

Did you add an AkAudioListener to something in your game, like the Main Camera? 
If that doesn't work, check your Wwise Settings for the "Automatically add a listener to the main camera". This will ensure that a listener is added whenever you create a new scene. 

Let me know if it works.

answered Feb 12, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,060 points)
Hi Mads,

Thanks for the answer.

Yes I have the AkAudioListener on the main camera and the box on "automatically add a listener to main camera" is already checked. Today I'll try to see if in another project give me the same problem, because is the first one for me and I downloaded it from unity official site.