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Unreal Engine Integration- cannot create assets

+1 vote
When i integrate Wwise to a UE project and then open the project there is no WwiseAudio folder created. If i create any folder in UE (lets say I create my own WwiseAudio folder) and then, within that folder, attempt to create any Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) e.g and event or soundbank i get this message: "Cannot create new asset 'NewAkAudioBank' in path '/Game/WwiseAudio/NewAkAudioBank'. You can't put assets under '/Game/WwiseAudio' folder' and the operation fails and nothing is created." However, I can create Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) in the content folder. I can then follow the normal process in this video ( 'generate sound data'.

When i do that a WwiseAudio folder is created on its own by the 'generate sound data' process. I now have working Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) in the content folder. However, I can still not create any Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) in the new auto created WwiseAudio folder, nor any folder with that folder. I can move the working Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) that are in the UE content folder into that folder and they continue to work. However, I will now not be able to 'generate sound data' until I move the Audiokenetic instance ('actor' would it be?) back to the UE 'content' folder.

I am using Windows 10. UE 4.26. Wwise integration 2021.1.2.7629.2025.
asked Jun 26, 2021 in General Discussion by adam b. (310 points)
No one has any help to offer?
Gotta fuckin' love the radio silence

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