
Running the Cube Demo

Whether during your initial setup of Wwise or by subsequently adding the Cube Demo component, the Wwise installer creates BAT files in the "<WwiseRoot>/Cube Demo/Cube" folder so that you can launch the Cube Demo in debug, profiler, or release mode on Windows®. For Mac®, however, there are some extra steps to follow.

Running the Cube Demo on Mac®

Before starting, make sure the Wwise SDK for Mac is installed on the machine.

The Cube Demo for Mac requires libSDL2 to be installed. Without this, a "Library not loaded: @rpath / SDL2.framework / Versions /A / SDL2" message will be displayed when launching the game from Terminal.

To install libSDL2 for Mac, do the following:

  1. Download the latest libSDL2 Mac OS X Runtime Binaries package: http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.3.dmg.

  2. Follow the instructions provided in the libSDL2 README file.

There are three methods to run the Cube Demo.

  1. Method 1 (Recommended): Run under Xcode.

    1. Check that Xcode is installed. If Xcode is not present in the Applications folder, download and install it from the Mac App Store.

    2. Make sure the unzipped Cube demo folder shares the same parent folder as the installed Wwise SDK Mac distribution. For example, if the Wwise SDK folder is ${HOME}/Wwise/wwise_${version_tag}/SDK, then the Cube demo root folder must be ${HOME}/Wwise/wwise_${version_tag}/CubeDemo.

    3. In Xcode, open the following Xcode project: /path/to/CubeDemo/cube_source/src/Mac/CubeMac.xcodeproj.

    4. Build and run the project.

  2. Method 2: Use the shell scripts.

    1. Make sure the unzipped Cube demo folder shares the same parent folder as the installed Wwise SDK Mac distribution. For example, if the Wwise SDK folder is ${HOME}/Wwise/wwise_${version_tag}/SDK, then the Cube demo root folder must be ${HOME}/Wwise/wwise_${version_tag}/CubeDemo.

    2. Locate the executable shell script for the desired configuration: /path/to/CubeDemo/Mac/<configuration>/bin/RunCubeDemo.sh.

    3. If the .sh files are configured to be opened by Terminal, double click them in Finder. Otherwise, open Terminal then type /path/to/RunCubeDemo.sh and press Enter.

  3. Method 3: Run the executable in Terminal.

    1. The current working directory must be where the executables are located! Use the cd (change directory) command from $HOME to ../path/to/CubeDemo/cube. In Method 2, this detail is taken care of by the shell script.
[Note] Running Cube on Mac OS X Yosemite

To allow the Cube Demo to run on Mac OS X Yosemite, users need to manually register the installed SDL by following this procedure:

  1. Run the following command in Terminal: sudo find /path/to/SDL2.framework/Versions -name "SDL2" -exec codesign -f -s - {} \;

    Replace the above path to SDL2 with your own setup. SDL2 is usually installed under either ~/Library/Frameworks or /Library/Frameworks. When prompted, input your administrator account password and hit Enter.

  2. Restart Xcode and rebuild the Cube Demo.

For more information, please reference http://www.paradiso.cc/2015/04/18/using-sdlv2-with-osx-yosemite/.






