
AKRESULT __cdecl AK::SoundEngine::SetRTPCValue ( AkRtpcID  in_rtpcID,
AkRtpcValue  in_value,
AkGameObjectID  in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT,
AkTimeMs  in_uValueChangeDuration = 0,
AkCurveInterpolation  in_eFadeCurve = AkCurveInterpolation_Linear,
bool  in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolation = false  

Sets the value of a real-time parameter control (by ID). With this function, you may set a game parameter value with global scope or with game object scope. Game object scope supersedes global scope. (Once a value is set for the game object scope, it will not be affected by changes to the global scope value.) Game parameter values set with a global scope are applied to all game objects that not yet registered, or already registered but not overridden with a value with game object scope. To set a game parameter value with global scope, pass AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT as the game object. With this function, you may also change the value of a game parameter over time. To do so, specify a non-zero value for in_uValueChangeDuration. At each audio frame, the game parameter value will be updated internally according to the interpolation curve. If you call SetRTPCValue() with in_uValueChangeDuration = 0 in the middle of an interpolation, the interpolation stops and the new value is set directly. Thus, if you call this function at every game frame, you should not use in_uValueChangeDuration, as it would have no effect and it is less efficient. Refer to RTPCとゲームオブジェクト, RTPC とバス and RTPCとプラグイン for more details on RTPC scope.

Always AK_Success
in_rtpcID  ID of the game parameter
in_value  Value to set
in_gameObjectID  Associated game object ID
in_uValueChangeDuration  Duration during which the game parameter is interpolated towards in_value
in_eFadeCurve  Curve type to be used for the game parameter interpolation
in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolation  True if you want to bypass the internal "slew rate" or "over time filtering" specified by the sound designer. This is meant to be used when for example loading a level and you dont want the values to interpolate.






