
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11

Creates an object of type 'type', as a child of 'parent'. Refer to オーディオファイルのインポートとストラクチャーの作成 for more information about creating objects. Also refer to ak.wwise.core.audio.import to import audio files to Wwise.


Name Type Description
name * string The name of the new object.
parent * any of: The ID (GUID), name, or path of the parent of the new object.
string The name of the object qualified by its type in the form of type:name. Only object types that have globally-unique names are supported. Ex: Event:Play_Sound_01
string An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
string A project path to a Wwise object, including the category and the work-unit. For example: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\New Sound SFX.
notes string The notes or comments of the new object.
platform string The ID (GUID) of the platform used when setting properties via this command. Not specifying a platform sets the value for all linked platforms.
autoAddToSourceControl boolean Determines if Wwise will automatically perform an Add or Checkout operation on the imported files with the source control. Defaults to false.
type * string The type of the new object. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for possible object types.
children array A list of child objects to be created.
children [...] object A child objects to be created.
children[...].notes string The notes or comments of the new object.
children[...].type * string The type of the new object. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for possible object types.
children[...].name * string The name of the new object.
children[...].regex(^@[:_a-zA-Z0-9]+$) any of: Sets the value of property @propertyName. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for property names.
The value of a property.
null A null value. No reference to an object.
string A string value.
number A numerical value.
boolean A boolean value.
onNameConflict string The action to take if "parent" already has a child with the same name. Default value is "fail". Refer to 名前の衝突モードを理解します for more information.
Possible values:
  • rename
  • replace
  • fail
  • merge
regex(^@[:_a-zA-Z0-9]+$) any of: Sets the value of property @propertyName. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for property names.
The value of a property.
null A null value. No reference to an object.
string A string value.
number A numerical value.
boolean A boolean value.

(Required *)

Arguments Schema


Name Type Description
children array The children of objects created.
children [...] object An object created.
children[...].children array The children of objects created.
children[...].children [...] An object created.
children[...].id string The ID (GUID) of the newly created Object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
children[...].name string The name of the newly created Object.
id string The ID (GUID) of the newly created Object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
name string The name of the newly created Object.

Result Schema

See Also


Refer to Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI)を使用する for more information about WAAPI.






