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Wwise SDK 2023.1.4
AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::ObjectStore クラス

Custom inner property set interface. [詳解]

#include <HostObjectStore.h>

AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::ObjectStore の継承関係図
AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostObjectStore > AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostObjectStore >


enum  : InterfaceTypeValue { k_interfaceType = AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_TYPE_HOST_OBJECT_STORE }
 The interface type, as requested by this plug-in. [詳解]
enum  : InterfaceVersion { k_interfaceVersion = 1 }
 The interface version, as requested by this plug-in. [詳解]
using Interface = CHostObjectStore
- 基底クラス AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostObjectStore > に属する継承公開型
using Instance = typename CInterface::Instance
- 基底クラス AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostObjectStore > に属する継承公開型
using GluedInterface = CHostObjectStore


void InsertPropertySet (const char *in_pszListName, unsigned int in_uiIndex, const PropertySet &in_propertySet)
 Inserts an inner property set into the specified list at the specified position. [詳解]
bool RemovePropertySet (const PropertySet &in_propertySet)
 Removes an inner property set from any list, without deleting the object itself. [詳解]
PropertySetGetPropertySet (const char *in_pszListName, unsigned int in_uiIndex) const
 Gets an inner property set inside the specified list at the specified position. [詳解]
unsigned int GetPropertySetCount (const char *in_pszListName) const
 Gets the number of inserted indexes inside the specified list. [詳解]
PropertySetCreatePropertySet (const char *in_pszType)
 Creates a new inner property set. [詳解]
void DeletePropertySet (PropertySet *in_pPropertySet)
 Frees the inner property set. [詳解]
unsigned int GetListCount () const
 Returns the number of inner property set lists to be used with GetListName. [詳解]
unsigned int GetListName (unsigned int in_uiListIndex, char *out_pszListName, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize) const
 Gets the name of the list at the specified position. [詳解]


- 基底クラス AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostObjectStore > に属する継承静的公開変数類
static GluedInterfaceg_cinterface
 The unique instance of the CInterface interface. Defined at nullptr first, overridden by the Host once loaded. [詳解]


Custom inner property set interface.

The Object Store contains named lists, and those named lists each contains a vector of inner property sets.

For example, you can create a list named "Property curve points" and have 12 inner property sets with coordinates, configuration and information for the 12 user-created curve points.

Inner property sets can be created from any inner types, as defined in the plug-in's XML definition file InnerTypes section. Your lists should contain recognizable types, as there is no way to poll the type of the created object. This system was created with a one-list-one-type design pattern; however, there is no actual restriction in using different types in a same list.

You can define as many named lists as required. You should consider creating different inner property sets or lists for each platform if the property set indexes aren't linked.

You can create new inner property set with CreatePropertySet, and insert it in a list's index with InsertPropertySet.

You can also subscribe to notifications through ak_wwise_plugin_notifications_object_store_v1 in order to be informed when some inner property set changed.

注釈: In order to manage property sets, you must make sure to use AK::Wwise::Plugin::RequestPropertySet in your plug-in.
注釈: Historical naming convention described it as "inner object" and "inner type". For simplicity, since we are talking about property sets, the naming has been standardized to "inner property set". However, the names are interchangeable and are still being used.

HostObjectStore.h380 行目に定義があります。






