AudiokineticのコミュニティQ&AはWwiseやStrataのコミュニティ内でユーザ同士が質問・回答をし合うことができるフォーラムです。Audiokineticテクニカルサポートチームからの回答をご希望の場合は、必ず サポートチケットページ をご利用ください。

Can we copy and paste HDR Envelopes points from one sound source to another in the source editor.

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On our project, we have been customizing every HDR envelope for every SFX. When importing a lot of the same SFX types Eg. footsteps, we have to re-draw every envelope. Is there a way to do this, and if not can it be added as a feature?

Herschell B. (130 ポイント) 2022 4/13 質問 Feature Requests

回答 1

0 支持

Hello Herschell, 

At the moment, it's not possible to copy and paste envelopes directly in the Wwise Authoring, however, it is possible to copy and paste the envelopes in Work Units. 

Try this: 

  1. Go to SFX > HDR tab > Enable Envelope.
  2. Open Source Editor and make a custom curve. 
  3. Right-click SFX > Open Containing Folder > NameOfYourWorkUnit.wwu
  4. Open up the file with a text editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code) 
  5. Copy the SFX's <PropertyCurveList> ... </PropertyCurveList> section.
  6. Go to Work Unit of the other SFX. 
  7. Paste in the code, just below <AudioFile>NameOfSFX.wav</AudioFile>
  8. Reload Wwise.

If you pasted the envelope into an SFX that is not the same length as the first one, you will get the following error...
"The duration of the HDR envelope curve does not match the duration of the source audio file. Repairing the source will adjust the curve to fit the new duration."
... but just click the warning icon and the curve will be repaired. 

Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 ポイント) 2022 7/21 回答