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BUG OR A FEATURE? - Room Tone not affected by transmission loss in AKSpatialAudioVolume

+1 支持

I noticed the inconsistency in how transmission/wall occlusion is being applied in room components. Could you help me figure out whether this is a bug, feature or perhaps my setup is incorrect?

I noticed that a Room Tone (an akEvent object in AKSpatialAudioVolume, that's meant to work as Room ambience, wwise refer to it as 'Room Tone' in the manual) is unaffected by Transmission Loss value (the same parameter is also called 'wall occlusion' in wwise 2019) in a room component in Unreal Engine 4.  What it means is that this sound gets contained within the room even if wall occlusion value is 0, and 'leaks' only through portals.


However, this isn't true for any akAmbientSound objects that I may place within the rooms (akSpatialAudioVolumes) manually. For the sounds placed in the rooms 'manualy' like akAmbientSounds, If I set wall occlusion (transmission) to 0, the akAmbientSounds ignore the walls as designed. In other words, I don't need a portal for the akAmbientSounds to 'leak' out of the room, I can achieve that with using the appropriate value of wall occlusion alone. Which doesn't seem to be true for the room tones.

This seems a bit inconsistent to me. Documentation doesn't point at this distinction anywhere. Is this working as it should?
Pawel G. (170 ポイント) 2022 6/14 質問 General Discussion

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