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Is there a Wwise equivalent of Local/Remote node for UE4?

+1 支持
I am looking to have 2d sounds and 3d sounds play for when a player is in first person and when other players hear it in third person.  Unreal 4 has the easy way of doing it with local/remote node in SoundCues.


Is there a way in Wwise + UE4 to get back that same sort of functionality?
Jack M. (430 ポイント) 2015 2/6 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

+1 支持
I do it with switch containers: just have different audio objects for 1st and 3rd person versions. There are also a few cases where I need a smooth transition from 1st to 3rd person, in which case I used a cross-fading blend container tied to an RTPC which also represents the current POV. The POV RTPC is also interpolated so that when the game code sets the pov, it transitions smoothly.

Perhaps there is a more intuitive and efficient way, I would love to know it!
Richard Goulet (5,740 ポイント) 2015 2/6 回答
Jack M. 2015 2/15 選択
+1 支持
You can simply attach an RTPC to the 2D/3D parameter in the Positioning tab.  Set the RTPC appropriately on your various game objects and you are good to go.
Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic) (7,120 ポイント) 2015 2/9 回答
This certainly is simpler than my method! I have a follow up question to this though: when Wwise takes stereo sound and mixes it to mono for a 3d event (sans spread) is it simply L+R mixdown? The reason I sometimes have dedicated 2d/3d sounds is to avoid any phase cancellation and unwanted artifacts in the mono (3d) variant.

Thanks for your help!
I'd love an answer to this as well.
Yes, by default the 3D mixdown is a simple power-constant L+R mix.  So phase cancellation is definitely an issue if your L and R are somewhat in opposite phase.  However, you can keep your channels separated by using the Focus parameter.  I'll point you to the doc for the explanation of the Focus, it requires diagrams and more space that I have here :)
Thanks, Mathieu!