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Random Container in Horizontal Music

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I've implemented a piece of dynamic music in Wwise. I have sections that are filled with seperate stems and those sections are called upon through a switch container. I created a video of it,  

My question is whether it is possible to use a playlist container to switch between two stems (let's say Violin melody 1 or 2). 

In order to be able to do this I would need to put a playlist container into another playlist container. But Wwise won't let me. Is there another solution? Thanks

Robert B. (110 ポイント) 2013 10/13 質問 General Discussion
Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) 2013 10/15 編集

回答 2

0 支持

The Playlist Container supports hierarchical groups inside itself.  

To create a group inside the Music Playlist Container, click the New Group button in the Music Playlist Editor.  For each group, you can select the play mode (sequence vs random, step vs continuous).

Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 ポイント) 2013 10/15 回答
Thanks for the answer. But I would need the Playlist container to play 1 of each group simultaneously, since they are seperate stems of the same soundtrack. A solution would be to have a random container inside the Music Segment. So you would have:

Switch Container -> Playlist Container (eg. Section 1 of 4) -> Music Segment -> Random Container -> Two Melody tracks.  

The system would then choose one of the melodies and play them along with the rest of the stems located in the Music Segment.
+1 支持
If you open the music segment editor with the segment in question selected you can right click on any lane and set it to be random or seq step (rather than normal). Add an additional sub-track via the same menu to this lane and then copy or move the alt stem into this sub-track by selecting the sub-track and pasting. That should behave exactly as you requested and you obviously have the option to add as many additional sub-tracks as you like to each lane thus switching up the phrasing on the fly.
Jomo K. (160 ポイント) 2013 10/22 回答