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How should we populate the Privacy Manifest File in an iOS application that uses Wwise?

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As indicated in Apple's Bundle Resources documentation, your application should contain a privacy manifest file, named PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy. If your application uses Wwise, you need to provide the types of data collected and the required reasons APIs used by Wwise. Wwise does not collect any data but it does use some of the "required reason API", namely fstat and mach_absolute_time() for Wwise 2021.1.x and older.

We have introduced a new section to the iOS/tvOS/visionOS-Specific Information page called "NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes in Privacy Manifest" to help meeting this requirement. You will notice that the page only refers to fstat and does not mention mach_absolute_time(). The reason for this is that we have stopped using mach_absolute_time() in Wwise 2022.1.9/2023.1.0 at the same time as we published the documentation on the topic.

This means that if you are using Wwise 2021.1.x or older, you are missing some of the information why we use it. 

mach_absolute_time() is used by Wwise to compute "elapsed between events that occurred within the app" for performance counters; the correct value is 35F9.1.

fstat is used by Wwise to read our generated files that should be packaged in the app container once the game is packaged; the correct value is C617.1.

asked Apr 25 in General Discussion by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5,630 points)

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