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Using AkSwitch with box collider 2D, it won't trigger the other switch for footstep material?

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I've been trying to setup footsteps in my 2D project using colliders, AkSwitch and a CallEvent script (on my player).

Followed a youtube tutorial but cannot figure out why the AkSwitch is not working to change the switch being used.

This is the CallEvent code i am using.

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;


public class CallEvent : MonoBehaviour


    public void Callevent(string s)


        AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(s, gameObject);

        Debug.Log("Print Event: " + s + " Calledat " + Time.time);



I am trying to use 4 switches for the different materials, when the player walks over the collider, nothing happens.

I followed the video exactly, but when their switch worked mine didn't, although theirs was 3D.

Many thanks.
Tom D. (100 ポイント) 4/30 質問 General Discussion

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