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Easiest way to bypass dry signal of realtime mic in Unity/Wwise?

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I've been mulling this over the past few days and I'm pretty sure I've been overthinking it.

I'd like to take a realtime audio input from a player and play it back (realtime) in the Unity scene but only hearing the 'wet' signal.
Example: Player realtime microphone input > Wwise > scene environment reverb

Is this as simple as routing the input through Wwise with a reverb aux send and out into the Unity gameobject.

Mute dry audio, playback reverb aux send?

Robert B. (100 ポイント) 2016 5/21 質問 General Discussion
Could you tell me how to get real-time microphone input into Wwise in Unity? Hope you could paste some reference urls.
How did you get audio input into Unity?
Hi Kristina, Thanks a lot. Hope your VRAASP project succeed. I used to be an architecture, now I'm trying to design space by sound. I'm glad to find out I'm not alone :) 

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