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UE 4.19 - 'GenerateDefinitionFile': is not a member of 'WwiseBnkGenHelper'

+1 支持
Hey guys,

I just updated our project to the latest Wwise Launcher, Wwise SDK/Install, and UE4 plugin. I pushed everything up to perforce, and got my project rebuilt and opening...but any other machine that gets the files and tries to build gets this error:

`C2039 'GenerateDefinitionFile': is not a member of 'WwiseBnkGenHelper'`

That is one of hundreds that come after it that are very similar...Any idea what may be happening? I cannot get my head wrapped around it. I've made sure they have the same files, and I am pretty sure they do...


Thank you!
Evan B. (170 ポイント) 2018 4/11 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
I was running into the same issue. I've discovered that they moved/renamed some files. Be sure to delete your old folder entirely and re-add the 4.19 changes. That solved my issue.
Randy M. (150 ポイント) 2018 4/23 回答