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Is there a way to export Wwise sound objects as individual audio files?

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I just figured out that you cannot access sound objects from Windows file explorer because they're stored in a 'Work Unit' formatted file. So I tried to manually export the objects as audio files, but it seems like exporting is not supported either.

Does anyone know if there's a way to export sound objects or access them from the file explorer?

Hankyul L. (100 ポイント) 2018 7/31 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

+1 支持

If you're looking for the original source files, they are held in the "Originals" folder of the Wwise project. You can right-click on a Sound SFX object and select "Open Containing Folder (**.wav)" to bring yourself right to that file in your explorer.

Sound objects can contain behaviors further than just playing back the source file, though. If you're trying to export audio that has been pitched, layered, etc. you could look into the Wwise Recorder.

Hope this helps!

Murray Cameron S. (630 ポイント) 2018 8/5 回答
Thank you for the tips!