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Wwise API Get Properties - getPropertyInfo

0 支持
Hi, is it possible to get the value of the property of an object using the API command getPropertyInfo?  I'm using version 2017.2.5, and need to get properties of any object of any object type.

From the documentation, it looks like it's only able to get the possible values of an object's properties, but not the actual property values of an object.  How can I do that?

Thanks in advance
Michelle A. (220 ポイント) 2018 11/15 質問 Feature Requests

回答 1

0 支持

To retrieve object property values, you need to use ak.wwise.core.object.get.

For example, to get the Volume, name and id:

var query = {
    from: { id: [
    ] }
var options = {
    return: ['id', 'name', '@Volume']
};'ak.wwise.core.object.get', [], query, options);

Or you could pass the path:

var query = {
    from: { path: [
        "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\MySoundStereo",
    ] }
var options = {
    return: ['id', 'name', '@Volume']
};'ak.wwise.core.object.get', [], query, options);

Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 ポイント) 2018 11/16 回答
Michelle A. 2018 11/16 選択