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[UNREAL] - LINK : fatal error LNK118

+5 支持

I'm trying to get the Wwise/Unreal integration to work, but I get errors when trying to recompile C++.

 Error:   LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'F:\Unreal\ShooterGame\Plugins\Wwise\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\AkAudio\UE4Editor-AkAudio.lib'

The folder "Development" doesn't even exist. Would appreciate any help I can get! How can I resolve this?

Wwise version: 2018.1.6.6858
Unreal version: 4.21.2

Samuel L. (160 ポイント) 2019 3/13 質問 General Discussion
I have the same issue:

  LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\Media\Projects\UE4\Wwise_Cpp_v2\Wwise_Cpp_v2\Plugins\Wwise\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\AkAudio\UE4Editor-AkAudio.lib'

Wwise version: 2019.2.9.7459
UE4 version: 4.26
Visual Studio 2019 Community

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