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[Unity] Distance relative to the player, panning relative the camera

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let's say, in a third person game, the Listener is on the Player instead of the Camera. Is there a way to have all 3D panning relative to the Camera, but attenuations calculated based on the distance between audio sources and the Player ?

Minh H. (100 ポイント) 2019 8/2 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
You might like to try setting the forward/up vectors of the listener to be those of the camera while keeping the position vector that of the player when you set your listener position from code.


Dan M. (2,640 ポイント) 2019 8/6 回答
I've never tried this, but I can't imagine it working properly.  With what you're suggesting, if the camera is well behind the player, but the listener is on the camera, and a sound plays just behind the player, it'll sound like it's coming from behind (on a surround sound system), even though it's happening in front of the player. For regular sound systems, you could perform the same thought experiment with the sound coming to the right of the player, but still in front of the camera, the sound would come from the right speaker instead of both.  For this reason I really don't think changing the forward/up vectors would do anything.