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Audio levels show audio playing but no audio is audible!

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I am doing the shotgun tutorial, I have Wwise Version 1.0.30 (1.0.30) on Mac Mojave 10.14.6.

I have made the shotgun play before but suddenly there is no audio coming out.  It shows level on the meters when I press spacebar.  My audio works otherwise, i.e I can hear youtube.

I have the right audio device selected in Audio Preferences, the same device I can hear youtube from.

I have restarted Wwise, restarted my system. And restarted the tutorial a few times.   Is it wrong to assume if I see level on the meters that I should hear audio if my routing is correct?

Can anyone give me a general direction to look in?





Peter Hay
Peter H. (100 ポイント) 2019 11/18 質問 General Discussion

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