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AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord but without Mic input?

+1 支持

Anyone have experience with iOS Audio session?

So I want to be able to play audio even with the iOS Silent switch is on, and possible play in background as well. What I don't want is any microphone/input functionality.

Now when I change the WwiseInit in Unity to be "AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord", Xcode complains that NSMicrophoneUsageDescription is required.

So the $1000 question is: Is there a way to choose the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord category for Wwise without the record/mic functionality?

It seems iOS has a "AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback" without the mic NSMicrophoneUsageDescription requirement (I don't need or want the mic input)

Egil S. (1,100 ポイント) 2020 2/11 質問 General Discussion
I'm having the same issue.

Did you find the answer?
I'm curious, what are your audio session category options?
I'm wondering if the Bluetooth may be causing the prompt to use the microphone.

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