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Oculus Spatializer Not Installing in Wwise - Oculus documentation Archived

0 支持


I have followed the documentation on Oculus website for integrating OSP into Wwise. Wwise doe register the plug in on the Mixer Plug-ins however when going to edit I am prompted with "The selected Audio effects lin is not installed"


I understand that previously this has required extensive steps however this process has been updated at the previous method about a year ago has now been archived. I followed these steps.

Set up and/or Update the Spatializer Plugin
Install the Oculus Spatializer to add it as a Wwise Mixer Plug-in to use in your soundbanks.

Set up on Windows
Navigate to the download package folder that matches your version of Wwise.
If installing on 64-bit Windows, copy \x64\bin\plugins to Audiokinetic\Wwise{version}\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\plugins
If installing on 32-bit Windows, copy \Win32\bin\plugins to Audiokinetic\Wwise{version}\Authoring\Win32\Release\bin\plugins


Still the plugin does not show. Any recommendations??
Samaquias L. (100 ポイント) 2020 3/24 質問 Feature Requests
I have also followed the exact same steps as you and have the same problem.
Is there anyone who knows how to solve this problem?

回答 1

0 支持
It seems that the current OSP stopped working from Wwise Version 2019.2.
The plugin shows perfectly with WWise version 2019.1.9.
Roger L. (140 ポイント) 2020 6/22 回答
Has anyone followed up with Oculus or Audiokinetic on whether there are plans for an updated version of OSP that supports 2019.2.x?