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RTPCs not updating in realtime on blend containers while profiling?

0 支持
When profiling, the RTPC value displayed on a blend container no longer updates in realtime.  The, say, Threat_Creature RTPC (pictured below), would constantly be changing based on its RTPC within the blend container view, making it much easier to determine where things should crossfade or be modulated by other RTPCs.  Is this a bug or are there steps I should take to ensure I am profiling correctly?

I have RTPCs enabled under API calls in the Profiler display options.

Wwise 2019.2.2.7275, UE4.24.1
SAM B. (110 ポイント) 2020 7/23 質問 General Discussion
SAM B. 2020 8/14 編集

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